Chapter 29

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Adam: I'm not a regular dad; I'm a cool dad.

Jack: You're not even a dad.

Adam: You're grounded.
*when they were younger*

Ryan: I don't think mom's pleased with you.

Jack: Why do you say that?

Ryan reading text from the family group chat: Dear my youngest son, I hope this message finds you before I do.
Adam: Request for you not to be a bitch.

Jack: Request denied.
Adam: Ryan, come on. You've been in there for two days without talking to anyone-

Ryan: Would you please, with cherries on top, marry me?

Cat: I don't appreciate your sarcasm, but I'll do it
Adam: Why do you always see the worst in people?

Jack: Because people are the worst
*When Jack and Ryan first moved in together*

Ryan: Three days ago, I couldn't stand you. I thought you were an arrogant, sarcastic ass-

Jack: Oh, that's nice
Ryan: You know, there are times when I think you don't take me seriously

Jack: Really? There are times you think I do.
Adam and Ryan: You're a mess, you know that?

Jack: At least I'm a FUN mess. Like a train crash full of pizza, fireworks, and glitter.
Adam: That's it! I'm leaving.

Austin: There it goes, our only brain cell.

Jack and Ryan: EXCUSE YOU-
Ezra: Isn't it weird that we pay money to see other people?

Adam: Plane tickets?

Austin: Concert tickets?

Jack: Prostitution?

Ryan, holding his broken frames: Glasses.
Ryan: This was a terrible idea. Why didn't anyone stop me?!

Adam: Because you didn't tell me. WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?!

Ryan: If I told you, you would've stopped me!
Jack: I have an idea! It's very uncool, but it's not illegal, technically. But it IS a dick move

Ryan: I love it!
Adam: How petty can you get?

Jack: I once edited a Wikipedia article to win an argument I was wrong about
Rayn: I'm not stupid!

Jack: How do you spell orange?

Ryan: The fruit or the color?

Jack, pouring milk straight into the cereal bag: You thought I could help?
Adam: How do tall people possibly sleep at night when the blanket can't possibly cover you?

Jack: Adam, it's four o'clock in the morning.

Ryan: So, you can't sleep? Is it the blanket?
Winter: Dad, I need relationship advice.

Ryan: Just cause I married your mom doesn't mean I know how I did it-
Jack: I have good news

Adam: You have decided to openly hash out all your childhood trauma and come to terms with who you are, rather than monthly ending up in a self-hatred depressive episode that ultimately makes you more and more isolated from those who genuinely care about you?

Jack: I said good news, not a damn miracle
Jack around strangers: I'm a boss ass bitch, and whoever talks shit is catching my insults

Jack around Ryan and Adam: I Am a baby. And I cannot be left alone; I need your full attention.
I'm so innocent and cute and precious. Take care of me.

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