Chapter 28

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Ryan: You can buy a birthday cake any time and eat it yourself. Nobody checks.
*In the hospital after Winter was born*

Cat: You want to hold him?

Adam: Oh, um... Yeah, sure, that'd be great

*Adam hugs Ryan*

Cat: The baby, Adam!

Adam: Yeah. Right, right, the normal thing
Ryan: I'm depressed; I need a cookie,
Jack bitching: I'm not that bitchy!

Adam: with only three hours of sleep, I can be just as bitchy as you.
----------------------------------------Jack: Ryan? Are you okay?

Ryan: Yeah yeah

Jack: Alright, that's it. I'm getting pizza, and we're hanging out tonight

Ryan: I'm not hungry

Jack: The pizza's for me
Someone: You can't just write songs and listen to the beach boys all night.

AJR: Watch us
Jack: Hey, Austin, we need your help with an April Fools' Day prank.

Austin: But April Fools' Day was yesterday...

Ryan: Those were just your generic, perfunctory, run-of-the-mill April Fools' Day pranks.

Jack: We're pulling all our real pranks today, now that everyone's guard is down.
Their dad: I told the boys they were allowed to hit each other once daily, so they should think it through and not waste it. But instead, every day, Ryan ends up with a new bruise from Jack.
*before the band got started*

Adam: I've come up with a plan to make more money

Jack: becoming strippers?

Ryan: we would make a fantastic strippers

Adam: I had a different idea
Ryan, leaving: I need to get some air...

Jack: There's air in here.


Jack: do you know who i am?!

Adam: poor thing, you forgot your name?
Adam: I'm not getting into anymore stupid debates with you

Ryan: water is not wet

Adam: how the fuck is water not wet, it's water-
Kidnapper: I could kill you if I wanted.

Jack: Yeah? So could my older brothers. So could my dog. So could a dedicated pigeon. You aren't special.
*AJR fandoms knocking on everyone's door to talk about AJR*

AJR fandom: Do you have a minute to talk about our lord and saviour?
*Alba hugging Jack*

Jack: what is this?

Alba: affection

Jack: disgusting

Alba, stepping away: fine then bitch. i'll go hug Ryan

Jack: i didn't say stop
Jack: I can be just as noncompetitive as anybody. Matter of fact, I'm the most noncompetitive. So, I win.

Ryan Gestures wildly toward Jack: Do you see what I have to live with?!
Ryan: I'm going to kill Jack

Adam: well, that's not very live; laugh, love of you
Cat knocking: Hi Ryan I just moved next door, I'm super model

Ryan opens the door half asleep: I don't care who the IRS sends; I'm not paying taxes
Adam and Ryan: but that's murder!

Jack: god, guys, grow up
Jack: This is boring.

Ryan: quit whining

Jack: Then why did you invite me?

Ryan: I didn't. I specifically said, "don't come with me," and you said, "Fuck you, Ryan, I do whatever I want," and followed me here.

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