Chapter 19

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Adam: whose turn is it to give the pep talk?

Austin, sighing: Jack...

Jack: fuck shit up out there, but don't die

Ryan, wiping away a tear: so inspirational
Ryan: what are you doing?

Adam: stealing Shay

Ryan: scandalous. Can I help?
Jack: What do people with no siblings do when they feel like irritating someone for no good reason?
*Jack as a store clerk probably*

Jack: Attention, shoppers, the store has been closed for twenty minutes. Many of us would like to leave. So, if you're still in the store, you're being a dick. Don't be a dick.
Adam: This is not the time for your shenanigans.

Jack: It was a single shenanigan.

Ryan: Technically more of a hijinks
Adam: Before you say anything

*Adam look at Jack*

Jack: I'm not involved. I swear

Adam: Everyone, pay attention! I need to make an announcement, and I only have one minute.

Ryan: Why?

Jack: Are you in a hurry?

Adam: No, I was referring to your incredibly short attention spans.
Jack, after making fun of Ryan: It wasn't bullying; it was attempted bullying.
Ryan: And who is this?

Alba: I'm Alba, Jack's friend

Jack: And my future wife

Alba: And I'm going to be your reason for death if you keep referring to me as that
Adam: so, this summer, who has ideas?

Jack: we could start a cult

Ryan: think realistic

Jack: how is that not realistic?

Adam: let's put it in the 'maybe' pile
AJR during a concert: We would like to apologize to anyone whom we haven't made fun of. Please be patient. We will get to you shortly.
Jack holds up a fancy-looking bottle: is this whiskey or perfume?

*Ryan grabs the bottle and drinks all of it*

Ryan: it's perfume.
Jack: Adam never forgets my birthday. I, on the other hand, can never seem to remember his...
*AJR fandom laying on the floor*

Person: Why are They lying on the floor?

Austin: they're a little overwhelmed right now

Person: Why?

Austin: AJR smiled at them
Jack to Ryan: Sorry for getting so drunk on your birthday that people thought it was my birthday.
Jack: We don't need adult supervision anymore.

Ryan: We're becoming wonderful young adults.

Adam: Says who?

Jack and Ryan: Shay

*Adam leaves speechless*
Adam to Jack and Ryan: I'll never forget the days you were born.

Adam: No matter how hard I try.
Ryan: who's using the family brain cell today?

Jack: Shay
Interviewer: How many rules can you break in one day?

AJR: What time is it?
*when they were kids*

Their mom: I don't hear anything.

Their dad: What's the matter with that?

Their mom: Three loud sons and no noise. That's what's the matter with that... I've never heard such a deafening silence.
Adam: If you put 'violently' in front of anything to describe your action, it becomes funnier.

Arnetta: Violently practices.

Ryan: Violently studies.

Ezra: Violently sleeps.

Austin: Violently shoots pictures.

Chris: Violently boxes.

Jack: Violently murders people.

Adam: Violently worries about the previous statement.

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