Chapter 25

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Ryan: You know it takes like 0 bucks to be a nice person.

Jack: And how much does it take to be an asshole? I'll PayPal you.

Ryan: It's free, isn't it?
Their mom sees something: adam, get that hideous thing out of the living room, will you?

Adam: Jack, mom wants you out of the house
Ryan: What does BDSM mean?


Austin: it means bees do so mu-

Jack: being dead sounds magnificent
Adam grabbing Jack by the shirt: SAY YOUR SORRY!

Jack: I'M SORRY!

Adam: And what are you sorry for?!

Adam: Are you okay?

Ryan, crying: yeah, it's just these onions

Jack trying to stab the onion: Yo! What the fuck did you say to my brother?
Adam: You're smiling, did something good happen?

Jack: can't I smile because I feel like it?

Austin: Ryan tripped and fell in the parking lot.
Jack: do you know which question I'm asked the most?

Ryan and Adam: "will you please leave the premises?"
Ryan: Violence isn't the answer.

Jack: You're right.

*Ryan and Adam sigh in relief*

Jack: Violence is the question.

Adam: What?

Jack, bolting away with a knife: And the answer is yes.

Adam, running after him: NO-
Alba: What kind of stuff do you like to do at home?

Jack: hang out with my dog
Jack: I have a license to kill

Adam: Where did you get it?

Jack: I made it myself with glitter glue
Adam: I have lived, laughed, and loved enough to know this place is not the vibe.
Ryan: The phrase "free as a bird" is often misused. It means you don't have to pay for them. See a bird? Pick it up. It's yours now. I have 4 hawks, 10 pigeons, 23 chickens, and a penguin.
Jack: After years of pretending to be cool and chill and down, I'm ready to embrace my identity as the highest maintenance bitch you ever saw in your fucking life.
Ryan: no, I don't want their blood on my hands

Adam: then strangle them
*AJR if they had an elf on the shelf growing up*

Adam: you are not to touch this elf; I will know if you do because it will always watch you

Ryan, scared: JACK, KILL IT!

*Jack sneaks out at night and rips it to shreds, and hides its remains in the wall*
Jack: I'm confused

Ryan: why?

Jack: I just got kicked out of a church for yelling "fuck the devil," like what the fuck? I thought we hated that guy?
Ryan: I am a responsible adult!

*Adam raises brow*

Ryan: I am an adult.
*Jack moves to hug Ryan*

*Ryan steps aside*

Jack: Why did you move?

Ryan: I thought you were going to attack me.

Jack: I was going to hug you.

Ryan: Why would you hug me?

Jack: why would I ATTACK YOU?!?
Ryan, googling: What to do if a snake bites you?

Google: Elevate and apply pressure

Ryan: Okay

Ryan lifts snake up: Apologies or else...

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