Chapter 34

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*Before a concert*

Jack: Alright talk to me man, how we lookin?

Ryan: sexy, but not like we're trying too hard. Like sure we're trying but it's effortless-
Adam: Are you crying?

Ryan sniffling: no it's an allergic reaction

Adam concerned: to what?

Ryan sobbing: life
Ryan: Jack and I were crossing the street, and this dude drove by and honked at us

Adam Sighing: What did Jack do?

Ryan: he chased him to the next red light, then reached into his window and...

Jack: Who wants a steering wheel?
Jack, dramatically: They called me a fool.

Adam, sick of Jack's shit: They weren't wrong.
Adam: Pick a card, any card.

Ryan: Fine.

Adam: Wait, that's my credit card!

Ryan: You said any card.
*AJR live streaming, and somehow Jack got stuck to the ceiling and screaming*

Adam: forget about that poor son of a bitch anyways
Adam: Where is Jack? We have a concert in 10 minutes.

Erza: Doing stuff.

Adam: I don't like the sound of that; where is Ryan?

Erza: Trying to stop Jack my from doing stuff.

Adam: Austin?

Erza: Stopping Ryan so Jack can do the stuff.

Adam: And you?

Erza: Distracting you so that Jack can do the stuff.
Adam: I hate you.

Jack: Well, according to this picture I drew of us holding hands, that is untrue.
Jack jiggling a room doorknob, trying to escape: fucking great, the door's been locked from the outside

Ryan: we seem to be stuck in one of those 'can't leave until we do something rooms

Jack: ok then, no problem

Ryan: wait, um, it says 'welcome to the "can't leave until you are emotionally honest with each other" room.

Jack jiggled the doorknob even harder: WE ARE GONNA DIE IN HERE
Ryan: I wish we could block people in real life.

Adam: It's called a restraining order.

Jack: Murder
Ryan: I sleep with a sword under my pillow.

Austin: I sleep with a knife.

Adam: Both of you are pathetic.

Ryan: Oh yeah? What do you sleep with?

Adam: A Jack
*Abla slides $20 over*

Abla: Please date me.

Jack: What the fuck do you think I am?

*Alba throws a free chipotle coupon*

Jack: I'm only accepting because I feel pity for you.
Jack: Hey, Ry?

Ryan: Yeah?

Jack: If your name started with an M does that mean we would would have named the band JAM?

Ryan: It's four AM, please stop

Adam: No wait he's got a point
*Jack and Ryan on jail for pulling off after yelling an officer scissors when he asked for their papers.*


Jack: YES.

Jack: wait who are we gonna call?

Ryan: Dad?

Jack: HA! no, thank you, I feel safer in jail.

Ryan: what about Adam?

Jack: HA! are you kidding me? I don't want my head ripped off, thank you.

Ryan: you know what? The floor looks actually very comfy

Jack: yes yes, and look! There's someone's clothes, weirdly with blood stains. Alright we can use them as a blanket!

Jack: wonderful idea mate, wonderful idea

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