Chapter 40

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Ryan: I need help getting with Cat

Jack: Ok, fine, I'll help; first, get a pillow, any kind, then bring A nice blanket, right?

Ryan, actually listening for once: alright, alright, then what do I do?

Jack: and keep dreaming, dumb ass bitch
Judge: I order you to pay $10,000

Ryan: What! Why??

Judge: It's a fine.

Ryan, sadly: no, it's not...
*Ryan and Jack walking to a college class*

Jack: I'm high off of cold medicine, so it's going to be a fun class, just being honest.
Ryan: I feel like you're imprisoning me.

*how AJR text*

*Adam sends you random messages throughout the day to make you feel better*

*Jack will have conversations with you over text until 3 am*

*Ryan will write out the message in another app, copy it, and then send it if he's nervous*
*At a zoo*

Winter giggles as he waves at a turtle: Hi, dad

Ryan: This is the fourteenth fucking time.
Ryan: What the fuck is wrong with you??

Jack: What? No good morning?

Ryan: Good morning; what the fuck is wrong with you??
Adam: Can you recommend a book that'll make me cry?

Ryan: General Mathematics 8th Grade Edition.
Adam: Jack, don't you think you've had enough to drink?

Jack: I'm just helping the kids

Adam: How is drinking helping the kids?

Jack: Because the more I drink, The less there is for the kids to drink.
Jack: live laugh chemical fire
Jack, from another room: Look at you, you beautiful thing.

Ryan: Is he talking to Shay or his mirror?

Adam: It's honestly getting hard to tell these days.
Adam: I'm like an onion, I have many layers, and each one is a mental illness
Director: Cut! Jack, you have to be angry at Adam! You're supposed to be fighting in this scene, remember?

Jack: I can't be mad at Adam, though! Look at him! It's like trying to be angry at a goddamn cinnamon roll!
*Adam crouched down in front of his tomato plants, inspecting the insect bites on their leaves*

Adam: I'm going to fucking kill whoever did this. I'm going to kill them for you. Don't you worry. I'm going to murder every single son of a bitch who ever got a mouthful of you. They'll die screaming.

Jack, coming outside: Oh! Okay. You're talking to the plants. Okay.
Ryan: you can't quit right before a show

Jack: actually, I can do whatever the fuck I want.

*continues to climb out the window*
*AJR reaction to being told they're the chosen one*

Jack: No, I'm fucking not.

Ryan: Do I have to be?

Adam: Please, god, I am so tired.
Fan: Are you the big spoon or the little spoon?

Jack: I'm a knife.

Ryan: He's the little spoon.
Austin: I'm afraid of clowns. There, I said it

Adam: Austin, if you don't like clowns, why are you hanging out with Ryan and Jack?
Adam: You need to stop swearing so much.

Jack: Shut the fuck up.

Adam: Yeah, that's not how you do it.

Jack: Alright, sorry. It's just that it's hard not to swear. The words creep up on me when I least expect them.

Ryan: Now, now, don't be like that. Just replace the swear words with 'beep,' and you'll be fine.

Jack: Shit, the beep up.


Ryan: Enough! How dare you mock me in such a manner!?

Adam: Well. How would you like me to mock you? I take requests.
Adam: When I get a headache, I take two aspirins and keep them away from children, just like the bottle says.

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