1 (Book one)

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Bang bang!!!

"Up! Get up!" Yelled a woman.

"What's going on?" I asked.

Harry turned on the light and put on his glasses. I sat up yawning.

"It's aunt petunia, Hallie." Said Harry.

"Huh?" I asked.

"I'll give you the quick story. We live with our aunt, uncle, and cousin. They hate us. Now we have to go make breakfast because we are slaves to them." Said Harry.

"Oh ok." I said.

Someone was jumping on the stairs. Making dust fall from the ceiling of this little closet. Me and Harry squished against each other in the small bed.

"Get up! Potter, we're going to the zoo!!" Said my cousin.

"The zoo?" I asked.

Harry opened the door and got shoved back in by our cousin. Landing on top of me. We lived under the stairs, and the room in question was small. It was barely able to fit both of us. The bed had us both either on top of each other or falling off.

"Yeah, it's his birthday." Said Harry.

I didn't remember any of this but that was normal. The only thing I could remember was a bright green light and Harry. Glad of that though I would never want to forget my twin brother. I looked at the scar on my arm, from that night with the green light. It was sorta like the lighting scar on Harry but bigger and more space was covered.


I didn't mind telling Hallie everything all over again in the morning. It was nice to not remember all the bad we've been through. I loved her more than anything. Each morning I woke up first. I tell her everything she needs to know and we start the day.

In Dudley's old clothes. Both swallowed us up so we looked smaller than we were. We were small and skinny anyway. My Brown hair sticking up in odd places and Hallie's straight red hair. Our green eyes and nose were the only thing to say we were related. Without telling anyone they wouldn't even think we were twins. Especially not identical, but we are. Identical twins in the science way. Not the physical way.

"Cook the bacon and try not to burn anything." Said aunt petunia.

"Yes, aunt petunia." I said.

I started cooking as Hallie got the coffee.

"Hurry up! Get my coffee girl!" Barked Uncle Vernon.

"I'm coming." Said Hallie.

I wasn't listening as I put the stuff on the table. Me and Hallie both looked up when we heard yelling.

"36! But last year, last year I had 37!" Yelled Dudley.

"Oh, who cares. You got presents, that you will only use once." Said Hallie.

I smiled as Uncle Vernon stood up. Hallie was always speaking her mind. With no consequences really. Cuz even if she got yelled at she wouldn't remember it the next day.

"Watch your tone!" Said uncle Vernon.

"How about when we're out we'll buy you two new presents? How's that sound pumpkin?" Asked aunt petunia.

I rolled my eyes and Hallie huffed. Uncle Vernon was staring at us the whole time we ate.


"I don't want to go to the zoo. With him and his friends." I said.

"Well, we can't leave you two here." Said aunt petunia.

"Why not? It's not like we're going to burn the house down." Said Harry.

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