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"Expelliarmus!" I yelled.

Jack was thrown back, his wand flying away. I pointed my wand at him again. This time I didn't say anything. Just swished my wand at him and his sleeve caught fire. I saw that Malfoy was on the floor laughing. My brother's feet were doing some kind of dance.

"Stop! Stop!" Yelled Lockhart.

"Finite Incantatem!" Shouted Snape.

My eyes were on Harry as he stood. He caught my glance and nodded saying he was fine. I looked back over to Jack as he had stopped the fire. His skin was all red and his face was angry. I couldn't focus on him though. A haze of greenish smoke was hovering over the scene. Both Neville and Justin were lying on the floor panting. Ron was holding up an ashen-faced boy, apologizing for his broken wand. Millicent had Hermione in a headlock and Hermione was whimpering in pain. Both their wands lay forgotten on the floor. Harry and I rushed forward to pull Millicent off her. It was difficult, she was a lot bigger than we were. But we managed to free her grip. 

"Dear, dear. Up you go, Macmillan, careful there. Miss Fawcett...  pinch it hard, it'll stop the bleeding in a second. I think I'd better teach you how to block unfriendly spells." Said Lockhart. 

He looked around the room at the whole mess. I mean what did he expect? He glanced at Snape, whose black eyes glinted and turned away. 

"Let's have a pair...Longbottom and Finch-Fletchley, how about you?" Asked Lockhart. 

"A bad idea, Professor Lockhart, Longbottom causes devastation with the simplest spells. We'll be sending what's left of  Finch-Fletchley up to the hospital wing in a matchbox." Said Snape.

Neville's pink face went pinker. I raised my hand.

"How about me and Jack Professor?" I asked.

"Jack looks like he needs attention for those burns in the hospital wing. Peter, take him up to the hospital wing. Oh, Hallie wonderful job." said Snape.

I smiled and he turned back to Lockhart.

"How about Malfoy and Mr Potter?" Asked Snape.

"Excellent idea!" Said Lockhart.

He gestured to Harry and Malfoy towards the middle of the hall. Everyone backed away giving them space.

"Now Harry, When Draco points his wand at you, you do this." Said Lockhart. 

He raised his own wand, attempted a complicated sort of wiggling action, and dropped it. I forced down a laugh, covering my mouth. Snape smirked as Lockhart quickly picked it up.

"Whoops... my wand is a little overexcited." Said Lockhart.

Snape moved closer to Malfoy, bent down, and whispered something in his ear. 

"Professor, can you show me that blocking thing again?" Asked Harry.

"Scared?" Muttered Malfoy.

"You wish." Said Harry.

"Just do what I did, Harry." Said Lockhart.

"What drop your wand." Said me and Harry.

He turned to look at me smiling. We sometimes surprise ourselves by saying the same thing. Unfortunately, Lockhart didn't hear us. 

"Three - Two - One!" said Lockhart.

Malfoy raised his wand quickly. 

"Serpensortia!" Said Malfoy. 

The end of his wand exploded. I watched as a long black snake came from Malfoys wand. Falling to the floor hissing and slithering up to Harry.

"Don't move potter, I'll get rid of it." Said Snape. 

He was clearly enjoying the sight of Harry standing motionless. Eye to eye with the angry snake.

"Allow me!" Said Lockhart.

He brandished his wand at the snake and there was a loud bang. The snake, instead of vanishing, flew ten feet into the air. It fell back to the ground with a loud smack. We all backed up away from the snake. Enraged, hissing furiously, it slithered straight toward Justin. I stepped in front of Justin. It raised itself again, fangs exposed, poised to strike. Harry started hissing at the snake. 

"Leave him alone!" Said Harry.  

The snake slumped to the floor. I stepped closer to it. I felt the same hissing come from my mouth.

"Calm down, we're not going to hurt you." I said. 

The snake's eyes moved from Harry's to mine. The snake wouldn't attack anyone now. I reached up prtting its head. I looked over to Harry. He looked over at me and we smiled. Then I turned to Justin. I was expecting to see him relieved or puzzled but not angry and scared.

"Are you ok?" I asked. 

"What are you two playing at?" Asked Justin. 

"What?" Asked Harry.

Justin had turned and stormed out of the hall. Leaving Me and Harry confused. Snape stepped forward, waved his wand and the snake was gone in a puff of smoke. Snape to was looking at us with a shrewd and calculating expression. I also just realized all the kids whispering around us. I looked over at my friends who weren't standing near me. They were backing away from me. Ron grabbed Harry's robes. I followed not wanting to be alone. I caught up with Hermione who was waiting for me at the door. Hermione took my hand and half dragged me up to the Gryffindor common room. Harry was pushed into an armchair by Ron. I sat beside harry on the arm of the chair. 

"You're a Parselmouth. Why didn't you tell us?" Asked Ron. 

"A what?" Asked me and harry. 

"A Parselmouth. You can talk to snakes." Said Ron.

"Yeah, I know. Well, I've only done it once before. I accidentally set a boa constrictor on my cousin Dudley at the zoo. Long story, but it was telling me it had never seen Brazil and I sort of set it free without meaning to. That was before I knew I was a wizard." Said Harry.

"A boa constrictor told you it had never seen Brazil?" Asked Ron. 

"Yeah, I was there. I didn't know I could speak it though. I could barely understand it the first time I heard it. Or so my book says." I said.

"So? I bet loads of people here can do it." Said Harry. 

"Oh, no they can't, it's not a very common gift. Harry, this is bad." Said Ron. 

"What's bad?" I asked.

"What's wrong with everyone? Listen, if I hadn't told that snake not to attack Justin."Said Harry.

"Oh, That's what you said to it?" Asked Ron.

"What do you mean? You were there...you heard me." Said Harry. 

"I heard you speaking Parseltongue, snake language. You could have been saying anything. No wonder Justin panicked, you sounded like you were egging the snake on or something. It was creepy, you know." Said Ron. 

"Why would I be standing between Justin and the snake if we wanted him to get bit?" I asked.

"I don't know." Said Ron.

"I spoke a different language? But... I didn't realize. How can I speak a language without knowing I can speak it?" Asked Harry.  

Ron shook his head. Both he and Hermione were looking as though someone had died. It can't be that bad. 

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