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We put our earmuffs back on and started working. The mandrakes didn't like coming out of the earth. But didn't seem to want to go back into it either. It was hard tugging the Mandrake out of the dirt and it started screaming loudly. You could tell by it closing its eyes and opening its mouth. Thankfully I couldn't hear anything.

Everyone else was holding an arm's length trying to just get it back into the pot. I on the other hand held it close to me like a baby. I started humming to see if that would help calm it down, it did a little. Then I dumped some of the dirt into the pot and added fertilizer. Putting the little guy back into the pot.

It had fully calmed down now. Mine was the only one not crying. I was still humming as I covered it back with dirt, made sure it was nice and comfortable. I was covered in dirt and went back to my common room to get clean clothes and take a shower. Classes went on like normal.

I couldn't stop thinking about the mandrake though. It didn't have anyone looking after it. I know they like the dirt but doesn't it get lonely. After my last class I went and wrote everything down. Then went to find professor Sprout. I saw her by greenhouse four.

"Professor Sprout!" I yelled.

"Oh Hallie! What brings you by?" Asked professor Sprout.

"It's just....well I was wondering if I could spend time with the mandrakes from time to time." I said.

"Spend time?" Asked professor Sprout.

"Yes, I know it sounds weird. But I feel like they would get lonely. I could just sit there and read to them. Or do my homework in the green house with them." I said.

"You've become attached to that one you worked with didn't you?" Asked professor.

"He stopped crying once I hummed to him. It seemed like he liked me." I said.

"Now Hallie mandrakes aren't know to get attached to people. Trees, other plants sure but not us." Said professor Sprout.

"Yeah I know I went to the library and read all about them. But he's so small. He's just a baby." I said.

"Then you know once they're older they get cut up and used for antidotes." Said professor Sprout.

"I know...but maybe I could just be with him till he's older." I said.

"I don't want you getting more attached Hallie. You've got a big heart. Animals and plants seem to see that and are attracted to you. But this one you can't help. He's future is set." Said professor Sprout.

"I promise I won't cause any problems. Just sit in there and be with him. You won't even know I'm there." I said.

"You won't take no for an answer will you?" Asked professor Sprout.

"No, I've already wrote it down. So I won't forget." I said.

"Oh alright. But just know I warned you. He won't get attached to you." Said professor Sprout.

"Thank you so much." I said.

I went into the green house where they were. I saw the pot I used and marked it.

"Hello little mandrake. I'm going to be visiting you everyday. I can read to you or sing to you. Whatever you like." I said.

The dirt moved a bit. He could hear me.

"I'll come back tomorrow, same time everyday just before dinner." I said.

I patted the leaves and left. I went to dinner making sure I didn't have dirt on me.

"Hallie, where were you?" Asked Claire.

"Out in the greenhouse." I said.

"A true Hufflepuff. Spending time with plants." Said Cedric.

"Oh please Cedric. Other houses can do that too." Said Emma.

"I know Emma." Said Cedric.

"Someone looking at you." Said Ruby.

I turned around to see a boy. He smiled and I turned back.

"No idea who he is." I said.

"Weird." Said Ruby.

The next day after classes I went and visited the mandrake. I did this for two weeks. Professor Sprout said they'd need to be replanted soon again. So I help with mine so I could mark the pot. He didn't cry or try to get free when I picked him up out of the pot. He was also the same size as before. After professor finished all of the others with the class I asked about this.

"He's really not crying?" Asked professor Sprout.

She still had her earmuffs on. I shook my head. I had mine off since he wasn't crying. She took her off and inspected the mandrake.

"Well I've never seen a mandrake act like this." Said professor Sprout.

"Is something wrong with him?" I asked.

"No he seems healthy. But small, usually they all grow the same way. No crying...you know I think you may be right. I think he does like you." Said professor Sprout.

I looked down at him clinging to my chest. He was asleep against me.

"What do they eat?" I asked.

"Well thier like plants.... So soil, fertilizer and sunlight." Said professor Sprout.

"They I better get him back in the dirt." I said.

I went down on my knees and put him gently into the pot. I hummed the whole time so he didn't start crying. He always got upset when I wasn't holding him.

"His leaves are looking a bit small don't you think?" Asked professor Sprout.

"Yeah they've shrunk." I said.

"Have you named him?" Asked professor Sprout.

"Not really...." I said.

"But you've thought of one." Said professor Sprout.

"Just one, Shaun. This boy who use to live by us had that name. He was very nice and I liked the name." I said.

Professor took the paper that was on his pot and wrote down Shaun.

"There now you'll know which ones yours. Go up to dinner now. I'll try and see what's going on with Shaun." Said professor Sprout.

"Ok, tell me if anything changes." I said.

I ran back up to the castle. Dinner was just about to start. I went and got cleaned up then wrote things down in my book.

"Hallie, you in there?" Asked Susan.

"Yep, ready to go eat?" I asked.

"Yes, I'm starving. Let's go." Said Susan.

We walked with the rest of our friends to the Great Hall.

"You've been spending a lot of time out in the greenhouse." Said George.

"Yeah, well I like it there. Plus who's going to take care of Shaun." I said.

"Shaun? Please tell me you didn't name that mandrake." Said Mattheo.

"I did, professor Sprout thinks something off with him." I said.

"Maybe to much time with you." Said Claire.

"Can't be she's to nice." Said Fred.

"That might be the problem." Said Claire.

"We should get together and study soon. You still need to meet my friend." Said Mattheo.

"Ok, soon." I said.

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