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That following Wednesday morning Mrs Weasley woke all of us up early. After a quick half a dozen bacon sandwiches each, we pulled on our coats and Mrs Weasley took a flower pot off the kitchen mantle piece and peered inside.

"We're getting low, Arthur. We'll have to buy some more today. Oh well, guests first after you, Harry dear." Said Mrs Weasley.

She offered him the flower pot. Me and Harry were completely confused.

"What am I supposed to do?" Asked Harry.

"He's never traveled by floo powder. Sorry, Harry I forgot." Said Ron.

"What's floo powder?" I asked.

"Never? But how did you get to diagon Alley to buy your school things last year?" Asked Mr Weasley.

"I went on the underground..." Said Harry.

"Really? Were there escapators? How exactly..." Said Mr Weasley.

"Not now, arthur. Floo powders a lot quicker, dear. But goodness me, if you've never used it before..." Said Mrs Weasley.

"Is it hard?" I asked.

"They'll be all right, mom. Watch us first." Said Fred.

He took a pinch of glittering powder out of flower pot, stepped up to the fire and through the powder into the flames. With a roar the fire turned emerald green and rose higher than Fred. He stepped right into it.

"Diagon alley!" Yelled Fred.

He vanished and George went in after him.

"You must speak clearly, dear. Be sure to get out at the right gate..." Said Mrs Weasley.

"The right what?" Asked Harry.

"That sounds complicated." I said.

"Well, there are awful lot of wizard fires to choose from. You know, but as long as you've spoken clearly...." Said Mrs Weasley.

"He'll be fine, Molly don't fuss." Said Mr Weasley.

"Fine! I swear it's like people want us to die." I said.

"But dear, if he got lost. How would we ever explain to his aunt and uncle?" Asked Mrs Weasley.

"They won't mind, Dudley will think it's a brilliant joke if I got lost up a chimney. Don't worry about that...." Said Harry.

"Yeah worry about that whole getting lost in a random chimney." I said.

I was starting to freak out a little.

"Well.. all right Harry....you go after Arthur. Now, when you get into the fire say where you're going..." Said Mrs Weasley.

"And keep your elbows tucked in." Said Ron.

"Your eyes shut, the soot." Said Mrs Weasley.

"Don't fidget, or you might well fall out the wrong fireplace." Said Ron.

"But don't panic and get out too early; wait until you see Fred and George." Said Mrs Weasley.

The more they spoke the more nervous I got. This was a way too much information for a first time go around. But Harry stepped forward and took flu powder. He stepped into the fire and took a deep breath scattered the powder into the flames. He must have breathed in the ash because he started coughing.

"D-Dia-gon Alley!" Said Harry.

"Did he just.... he's lost isn't he? I'm not going in there." I said.

"Oh dear. Well we can't leave him alone Hallie. Let's go and find him." Said Mrs Weasley.

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