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He smiled at me. Wonder and impressment in his eyes.

"Such a small thing. Telling me what to do. I don't think so." Said Riddle.

He pointed the wand at me. My eyes glazed over as a vision came to mind.

"Crusio!" Yelled Riddle.

Pain unimaginable pain. Control, focus and control.

My eyes fell back into focus.

"Crusio." Said Riddle.

I braced myself. Blocking off my mind and forcing my body to go dormant. I could still feel the pain trying to break through my defenses. I clenched my teeth together. But it wasn't as bad as it would be. I had a vision, and I altered it. I changed the future, what price would I have to pay. He released me, a shocked look on his face. I smiled, somehow I had blocked his spell.

Then a weird squish sound and the basilisk fell slowly. Harry's arm was drenched in blood. One long fang was sinking into his arm. Harry swayed back as the basilisk's fang broke off. He slid down the wall. I stood up and ran over to him. Falling to my knees beside him.

"Harry." I said.

He gripped the fang and pull it out. I could tell he was hurting. Fawkes flew over and landed beside us. He laid his head near Harry's arm.

"Fawkes, you were fantastic." Said Harry.

"Don't speak Harry. If we hurry we can get back up...to Madam Pomfrey." I said.

I set my wand down on the ground and stood up looking around for the exist. Riddle walked over, casting a shadow over us. I turned to face him. Now regretting setting my wand down.

"You're dead, Harry Potter, dead. Even dumbledore's bird knows it. Do you see what he's doing, Potter? He's crying." Said Riddle.

Crying? He's.... he's crying? Wait! Oh, oh he's crying! Thick pearly tears were trickling down the glossy feathers. I smiled.

"I'm going to sit here and watch you die, Harry Potter. Take your time. I'm in no hurry." Said Riddle.

I had to play it. Now I knew Harry was going to be ok.

"Shut up!" I yelled.

"Please Hallie. Let's not start this. As soon as he's dead your next. I don't know how you did it but I'll soon figure it out." Said Riddle.

"You can't torture it out of me. You can kill me but you'll never know why. But I can kill you." I said.

"You can't kill, potter. Your a Hufflepuff, your heart is to pure. To good." Said Riddle.

Harry slumped down more. I went back down to his side.

"Please no." I said.

"So ends the famous Harry Potter. Alone in the chamber of secrets, forsaken by his friends, his sister sitting over his poor body, defeated at last by the dark lord he so unwisely challenged. You'll be back with your dear mudblood mother soon. Harry, she bought you twelve years of borrowed time. But Lord Voldemort got you in the end, as you knew he must." Said Riddle.

"We didn't challenge you. You came after us." I said.

He huffed and slashed Harry's wand at me. I flew twenty feet to the right. Crashing into the wall, hitting my head hard. I sat up and felt blood falling down my face.

"That's all you got?" I asked.

"Shut up girl! This is between Harry Potter and me. Not you, you couldn't have been the one to defeat me. You can handle pain but your powers are nothing compared to mine." Said Riddle.

I looked over to Fawkes to see that Harry's arm has healed. I smiled and looked back up to Riddle.

"I think we just won." I said.

I stood up against the wall. My eyes were blurry. He ran off towards Harry.

"Get away bird! Get away from him. I said get away!" Said Riddle.

Riddle pointed Harry's wand at Fawkes. There was a bang like a gun and Fawkes took flight again.

"Phoenix tears, of course. Healing powers.... I forgot." Said Riddle.

"I remembered." I said.

I walked slowly back to them. Standing to the side of the two.

"I just had to distract you long enough." I said.

"But it makes no difference. In fact, I prefer it this way. Just you and me, Harry Potter.... You and me." Said Riddle.

"He's not alone in this! We fight together." I said.

I raised my wand and Riddle raised his. Then, in a rush of wings, Fawkes had soared back overhead and something fell into Harry's lap.....the diary.

For a split second, all of us, wands still raised, stared at it. Then, Harry seized the basilisk fang and plunged it straight into the book. There was a long, dreadful, piercing scream. Ink spurted out of the diary. Soaking Harry's hand and robes. Riddle was writhing and twisting, screaming and flailing. I lowered my wand and picked up Harry's from the floor. He had dropped it.

Then Riddle was gone. Silence except for the steady drip of ink still oozing from the diary, and the pounding in my head. The basilisk venom had burned a sizzling hole right through it.

Shaking All over, Harry pulled himself up. I went over and helped him. Slowly, he gathered together his wand and the sorting hat. With a huge tug, retrieved the glittering sword from the roof of the basilisk's mouth. Then came a faint moan from the end of the chamber. Ginny was stirring. We hurried forward towards her, as she sat up.

Her amused eyes traveled from the huge form of the dead basilisk, over to Harry in his blood soaked robes, then to the diary in his hands. Her eyes darted to me and to the blood dripping from my head. She drew a great, shuddering gasp and tears began to pour down her face.

"Harry..... Oh, Harry... I tried to tell you at b-breakfast, but I couldn't say it in front of Percy..... It was me, Harry but I-I swear I didn't mean to. R-riddle made me, he took me over and..... How did you kill that.... that thing? Where's R-riddle? The last thing I remember is him coming out of the diary...." Said Ginny.

I bent down next to her. Mostly because I couldn't stand any longer. But I also wanted her to breathe.

"Breathe Ginny. It's ok." I said.

"It's all right, Riddles finished. Look! Him and the basilisk. C'mon, Ginny, let's get out of here..." Said Harry.

"I'm going to get expelled! I've looked forward to coming to Hogwarts ever since B-bill came and now I'll have to leave and w-what a mum and dad say?" Said Ginny.

He reached forward and helped Ginny up. I got up too but my legs gave out and I fell back to the floor. It seems the pain effected me more then I thought.

"Hallie! Oh, your hurt badly." Said Ginny.

"I'm fine. I'm fine...." I said.

Harry dropped the sword and grabbed one of my arms. Ginny took the sword and grabbed the other arm. Fawkes was waiting for us, hovering over the chamber entrance. Harry urged Ginny forward. Then helped me through to the other side. We all stepped over the motionless coils of the Dead basilisk, through the echoing gloom, and back into the tunnel. I heard the stone doors close behind us with a soft hiss. After a few minutes' progress up the dark tunnel a distant sound of slowly shifting rock reached my ears.

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