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From behind the musty folds of the cloaks, they watch the teachers filtering into the room. Some were looking puzzled, others downright scared. Then Professor McGonagall arrived.

"It has happened, a student has been taken by the monster. Right into the chamber itself." Said professor McGonagall.

Professor Midway let out a squeal. Professor Sprout clapped her hands over her mouth. Snape gripped the back of a chair very hard.

"How can you be sure?" Asked Snape.

"The heir of slytherin, left another message. Right underneath the first one. 'her skeleton will lie in the chamber forever.'" said professor McGonagall.

Professor flitwick burst into tears. Snape look like he was about to break the chair in half. Madam hooch had sunk, weak kneed into a chair.

"Who is it? Which student?" Asked Madam hooch.

"Ginny Weasley." Said professor McGonagall.

I put both my hands over my mouth to prevent the gasp. Ron slid down to the floor of the wardrobe.

"We shall have to send all the students home tomorrow. This is the end of hogwarts. Dumbledore always said..." Said professor McGonagall.

The staff room door banged open again. For one wild moment, I was sure it would be dumbledore. But it was Lockhart, and he was breathing fast.

"So sorry, dozed off. What have I missed?" Asked Lockhart.

He didn't seem to notice that the other teachers were looking at him with something remarkably like hatred. Snape stepped forward.

"Just the man, the very man. A girl has been snatched by the monster, lockhart. Taken into the chamber of secrets itself. Your moment has come at last." Said Snape.

I stifled a laugh. As Lockhart's face paled.

"That's right, gilroy. Weren't you saying just last night that you've known longer the entrance of the chamber of secrets is?" Asked professor sprout.

My admiration of that woman just went up.

"I.. well, I..." Said Lockhart.

"Yes, didn't you tell me you were sure you knew what was inside it?" Asked professor flitwick.

I had stopped breathing.

"D-did I? I don't recall." Said Lockhart.

"I certainly remember you saying you were sorry you hadn't had a crack of the monster before Hagrid was arrested. Didn't you say that whole affair had been bungled, and that you should have been given a free reign from the first?" Asked professor Snape.

I had to hold onto Harry to stop myself from falling forward from holding in a laugh. I was getting slightly light headed. I could see Lockhart looking around at everyone.

"Pull yourself together Hallie." Whispered Harry.

"I.... I really never....you may have misunderstood." Said Lockhart.

"We'll leave it to you then, tonight will be an excellent time to do it. We'll make sure everyone is out of your way. You'll be able to tackle the monster all by yourself. A free rein at last." Said Professor McGonagall.

Lockhart didn't look remotely handsome anymore. His lip was trembling and the absence of his usually toothless grim. He looked weak chin and feeble. I couldn't hold back anymore. I opened the door and fell into the room laughing. All of them turned to watch me. Snape had a slight smile on his face.

"Oh! I'm so sor...sorry. I came to tell you something. But....oh that was to good. I've said it before I don't think you've done anything you said you've done." I said.

"Miss Hallie, what are you doing here?" Asked professor McGonagall.

"I wanted to say I figured out where and what is in the chamber of secrets. Now that I know one of my friends are down there. I'll deal with this myself." I said.

"Miss Hallie. You will go back to your common room and stay there. This is way to dangerous." Said professor Sprout.

"More dangerous than surviving being drowned, raped and hit in the head with a shovel? Plus should I mention surviving when I was 1." I asked.

No one answered.

"It's not really. Not when I can speak to the damn monster. I can save her. If it's makes you feel better I'll take Lockhart. I need someone to be a shield." I said.

No one bothered to stop me.

"Hallie go to the Gryffindor common room with me. We'll go together to inform the Weasley's and your brother." Said professor McGonagall.

"V-very well, I'll... I'll be in my office getting... Getting ready." Said Lockhart.

"Good because your coming with me." I said.

He left the room. Then I followed professor McGonagall to the Gryffindor common room. Harry and ron came in after us.

"Harry, something bad has happened." I said.

Professor McGonagall gathered around all the students. Then told them the horrible news about Ginny Weasley. Ron sunk into a chair, George and Fred stood shocked and Percy almost fell off the chair he was in. Then he asked for permission to go send a letter to his parents. Professor McGonagall allowed it and walked with him to owlery.

We all sat in the Gryffindor common room unable to say anything to each other. No afternoon ever lasted as long as this one. The Gryffindor Tower had never been so crowded, yet so quiet. Near sunset Fred and George went up to bed. Professor McGonagall had brought me Shaun and he sat in my lap.

"She knew something, Harry. That's why she was taken. It wasn't some stupid thing about Percy at all. She found out something about the chamber of secrets. That must be why she was.... I mean, she was a pureblood. There can't be any other reason." Said Ron.

He was slightly right. I knew something was up with Ginny, saw her going into that bathroom a couple of times right before the attacks. But it didn't say anything cuz I didn't know the whole truth. The sun was sinking, blood red blow the skyline.

"Harry, do you think there's a chance at all she's not.. you know.." said Ron.

"She can't be. I don't think it wants to kill her." I said.

"Do you know what? I think we should go and see Lockhart. Tell him let me know. He's going to try and get into the chamber. We can tell him where we think it is and tell him it's a basilisk in there." Said Ron.

"Well I'm already planning going down there. Get Lockhart and meet me there." I said.

I stood up and left. I ran down to the kitchens and opened the door.

"Fanny, I need you to watch Shaun tonight. Don't ask why I won't tell." I said.

"Yes miss. Be safe." Said Fanny.

"I will." I said.

Then I ran back up stairs and into professor Snape.

"You weren't lying when you said you were going to help." Said Snape.

"No sir. I'm going there now." I said.

I ran to Myrtle's bathroom. I went to where she usually is.

"Myrtle! Myrtle!" I yelled.

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