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"We didn't do anything." I said.

Uncle Vernon shoved me into our room. I got up as Harry was pushed to the door too.

"One second the glass was there and then it was gone. It was like magic." Said Harry.

He shoved Harry in landing beside me. He shut the door and locked it.

"There is no such thing as magic." Said uncle Vernon.

"We didn't think there was." I said.

Then he shut the air grate. I looked over at Harry as he turned the light on.

"What was that all about?" Asked Harry.

"We can speak to snakes." I said.

"Yeah, how though? How do I know another language without knowing it?" Asked Harry.

"I'm not sure. But you spoke it. What's with Uncle Vernon being so angry about the word magic." I said.

"No clue. But both of them get that way when I talk about it. Like my dreams or if something weird happens. Like that time my hair grew back the next day after aunt petunia cut it." Said Harry.

"Weird." I said.

I laid back against the bed.

A few weeks later ~

"Get up!" Yelled a woman.

"Hallie, wake up." Said Harry.

I sat up and stretched.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"It's another day in hell. Just kidding
.......but not really." Said Harry.

Then he told me everything I needed to know. We got up going to make breakfast. I only plated it and poured the coffee. Then mail was here. Harry went out to get the mail as I took the plates to the sink. He came in handing Uncle Vernon a stack of mail. I saw he was still holding one. I left the dishes in the sink and walked over by Vernon.

"Oh, marge is Ill." Said Uncle Vernon.

Dudley grabbed the latter.

"Dad, Dad Harry's got a letter!" Yelled Dudley.

I tried to take the letter before Uncle Vernon got it. He turned it over reading the back.

"Who'd be writing to you?" Asked uncle Vernon.

I stood there watching as their face went white. They all looked up to us.

"What? Who's it from?" I asked.

"No one. It must be a misprint." Said aunt petunia.

"Misprint? Our name and where we sleep are on the front of that." Said Harry.

"Where we sleep?" I asked.

"Yeah, cupboard under the stairs." Said Harry.

"It says that? Really?" I asked.

"Go to your room!" Yelled Uncle Vernon.

"Let me see our letter." Said Harry.

"No, you will do as you're told." Said uncle Vernon.

Uncle Vernon stood grabbing our arms. He pushed us into our room. Then locked the door. We had come out when aunt petunia opened the door. After a while of talking and playing with the little figurines. We heard a noise like a drill. Harry opened the door slightly and looked out.

"He's boarding up the letter slot." Said Harry.

"Why are they freaking out about a letter? I think is must have been a misprint. No one can know where we live." I said.

"Yeah maybe." Said Harry.

For the next week. Owls started congregating around the house. Letters were being delivered every day. Each time Uncle Vernon would burn them in the fire.

"Ah, fine day Sunday. Do you know why Dudley?" Asked uncle Vernon.

Dudley shook his head.

"Because there's no post on Sunday." Said Harry.

"Right, you are Harry. No post on Sunday. No sir, not one bloody letter today." Said uncle Vernon.

I sat down on the floor after getting tea for aunt petunia. Then a letter shot out of the fireplace and hit Uncle Vernon in the face. Me and Harry shared a shocked look. Then the house began to shake and I stood up backing away from the fireplace.

Letters flew out and filled the room. Dudley and aunt petunia's screams were all that was heard over the swoosh of letters. Harry jumped up and grabbed at them. Then Uncle Vernon stood reaching for him. I stomped on his foot running after Harry. The letters were now coming through the letter slot. It seemed to be coming down the stairs too.

We got to our room trying to get it open. When Uncle Vernon pulled Harry away.

"Let go! They're my letters!" Yelled Harry.

"Let go!" I yelled.

"We're leaving! We're going away where they'll never find us!" Yelled Uncle Vernon.

"Daddy's gone mad hasn't he?" Asked Dudley.

That day Uncle Vernon made us pack up and leave. We drove for hours until we got to a little cottage. It was raining so much we couldn't see anything in front of us. He went in and came back with a guy. The guy took us to a boat. We got on and he handed Uncle Vernon the keys. Then Uncle Vernon slid a package in the boat with us and started off. We were soaked to the bone when we got there.

We got inside and just stood there. Uncle Vernon went upstairs to where they would sleep. Dudley got the couch, Harry and I were to sleep on the floor. We had dinner in the dark. Rain still pelting outside. We found two blankets and put one down on the floor, the other one on us.

Then we lay down staring at the ceiling. I lay with my head on Harry's shoulder. It was freezing and our body heat was the only thing keeping us warm. I couldn't sleep and one look up at Harry neither could he. I look over at Dudley's watch.

"Harry it's almost our birthday." I said.

"Yeah, glad we're together this year." Said Harry.

Last year Uncle Vernon sent Harry to a camp the week of our birthday. On purpose! We looked over at the watch as it went off, 12:00 am. We didn't know who was older so we just celebrated as though we were at the same time. 12:00 where they couldn't bother us when we snuck out of the cupboard. All we did was eat food that we weren't supposed to.

"Happy birthday Harry." I said.

"Happy birthday Hallie." Said Harry.

I got up and snuck to the kitchen. Coming back with a cookie from a package of them. I broke it in half and gave it to Harry. He smiled and sat up eating it with me.

"Make a wish." I said.

I closed my eyes and wished for someone to take us away from here. Then there was a loud bang against the door. Dudley woke up with a start. Me and Harry were staring at the door. It banged again. We both stood up. Uncle Vernon and aunt petunia we're coming down the stairs. The door banged again and we saw Uncle Vernon holding a shotgun.

The door fell open with a loud bang. It hit the floor and a very large man stepped inside. Dudley was against the wall on the table and Harry pulled me with him behind the chimney.

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