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The next day, me and the twins went down to the village near their house. I went so I could buy some more muggle clothes with the money I didn't convert. It was fun walking there and going through all the shops.

But soon we headed back and the rest of the summer was a blur. Mostly just chores and hanging out. Me and Ginny were really close now. She was excited to go to school but sad that we might not be in the same house.

"That's ok. I have friends from Ravenclaw, Slytherin, Hufflepuff and Gryffindor." I said.

"You have a lot of friends. Was it easy?" Asked Ginny.

"Um I think so. It was more they came and talked to me." I said.

"Yeah most of them being boys. Including my brothers." Said Ginny.

"I think my girl friends top my boy ones." I said.

The end of summer vacation came to quickly for my liking. I was looking forward to going to Hogwarts, but the month I spent at the borrow was the best. And I knew after Hogwarts that we would be going back to the dursley's. On our last evening, Mrs Weasley conjured up a scrumptious dinner that included all of mine and Harry's favorite things. Ended with a mouth watering treacle pudding. Fred and George rounded off the evening with the display of Filibuster fireworks.

They filled the kitchen with red and blue stars that bounced from ceiling to wall for at least half an hour. Then it was time for the last mug of hot chocolate and in bed. It took a long while to get started the next morning. We were up at dawn, but somehow we still seem to have a great deal to do.

Mrs Weasley dashed about in a bad mood looking for spare socks and quills. People kept colliding on the stairs, half dress with bits of toast in their hands. Mr Weasley nearly broke his neck, tripping over a stray chicken as he crossed the yard carrying Ginny's trunk to the car. I helped out best I could.

Harry couldn't see how nine people, seven large trunks, two owls, a cat, a mouse and a rat we're going to fit into one small Ford Anglia. I had reckoned, without the special features that Mr Weasley had added we wouldn't have.

When at last we were all in the car, Mrs Weasley glanced in the back seat where me, Harry, ron, fred, George and Percy were all sitting comfortably side by side.

"Muggles do know more than we give them credit for, don't they. I mean, you'd never know it was this roomy from the outside would you?" Asked Mrs Weasley.

She and Ginny got in the front with Mr Weasley driving. He started up the engine and we left the yard. Harry turned back for a last look at the house. But we had to go back because George had forgotten his box of fireworks. 5 minutes after that, they skidded to a halt in the yard so that Fred could run in for his broomstick. They had almost reached the highway when ginny shrieked that she had left her diary.

By the time she had clambered back into the car, they were running very late and tempers were running high.

"Molly dear..." Said Mr Weasley.

"No..." Said Mrs Weasley.

"But this button here turns it invisible. We'll be up in the clouds and at the train station in minutes. No one will know." Said Mr Weasley.

"No Arthur. Not in broad daylight." Said Mrs Weasley.

We got to Kings Cross station at a quarter to eleven. We dashed about getting our things on the carts and heading to the platform. Last year when we did this I had written it down but I didn't have my book in front of me.

"Percy first." Said Mrs Weasley.

Percy strode briskly forward and vanished Mr Weasley went next, Fred and George followed. Then I went forward through the wall. I went quickly as I saw Mrs Weasley and Ginny behind me. I got on board helping Ginny with her things. Went to go find my friends and sit down.

Ginny followed me to the Hufflepuff area. I saw them and went to sit down. Ginny sat down with me.

"Hallie!" Said Ruby.

"Who's this?" Asked Claire.

"Ginny Weasley." Said Ginny.

"Aw how sweet. Come on sit down." Said Ruby.

We sat down at the round booth just as the three Slytherin boys and Annabelle showed up.

"Mind if we join you?" Asked Theo.

"Not at all." Said Daisy.

We all sat squished together, but a good squished. Where we were all touching but still had room to turn and talk to each other. The slytherin's left once we got closer to the school. So did Daisy who's in Ravenclaw. We changed into our robes and waiting till the train stopped.

"You go with Hagrid before you'll see us again." Said Ruby.

"Ok." Said Ginny.

"Then you'll get sorted. Gryffindor will have another Weasley." Said Hannah.

"Don't be nervous. The hats good at deciding." Said Claire.

The train started to slow and we got up getting ready to go. I grabbed my books and headed off the train. It stopped and I said bye to Ginny as she ran off to be with the rest of the first years. We headed to the carriages.

"I can't wait to go this way." Said Hannah.

"Yeah I was looking forward to it." Said Susan.

We got on and the girls continue talking about how fun this year would be. Some spoke about their Summers and what they did. I told them why I couldn't answer any of the letters. The ride back was filled with everyone's laughter.

"You ok Hallie. Your awfully quiet." Said Claire.

"Oh yeah I'm fine. I just feel something bad going to happen, probably fine." I said.

We got to the school and went in taking our seats. We waited for the first years to come in. Our table was once again sat by the Slytherin table. So Mattheo leaned back to talk to me.

"I want you to meet someone." Said Mattheo.

"Who?" I asked.

I turned around facing him.

"Her names Dixie. She's in Gryffindor." Said Mattheo.

"Ok well invite her when we have our first study group." I said.

"Great." Said Mattheo.

The doors opened and in came the first years. I watched as Ginny went up there. Then her named was called. No surprise that she got into Gryffindor. I clapped with the rest of the Gryffindor's. She looked over to me and I waved. The hat said some things about sticking together. Then Dumbledore welcomed us and dinner started. The food appeared on the table and everyone started eating. I didn't see Harry, but I'd ask him tomorrow.

After dinner I said goodnight to Ginny and went to my common room. We started class tomorrow. It was going to be a exciting year.

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