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We got back to the house. Once inside we were told to stay in our rooms and not to make noise. We headed straight upstairs. We heard the guests come in. Harry opened our door.

"How long do you think they'll be here for?" I asked.

"No idea." Said Harry.

We both went in and stopped dead in our tracks. There was a small creature jumping on our bed. It took a lot of restraint to not scream. Me and Harry looked at each other and then back.

"May I take you coats." Said Dudley from down the stairs.

We walked into our room closing the door. The creature slipped off the bed and bowed. I noticed that it was wearing what looked like an old pillowcase with rips for arm and leg holes. It was also very dirty.

"Er- hello." Said Harry.

"Harry Potter! So long has Dobby wanted to meet you sir. Such an honor it is. Oh and Hallie Potter. Such a pleasure to meet you Miss." Said the creature in a high-pitched voice.

I looked at towards the door. His voice must have carried downstairs and if we get in any more trouble. Well, let's just say it won't end well.

"Th..thank you." Said Harry.

He edged along the wall and sat down in the desk chair.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Dobby miss. Just Dobby. Dobby the house-elf." Said Dobby.

"Ah, yeah.....what?" I asked.

"Oh.... really. Er... I don't want to be rude or anything, but this isn't a great time for us to have a house elf in our bedroom." Said Harry.

The elf hung his head.

"Not that we're not pleased to meet you." I said.

"Yes, but er is there any particular reason you're here?" Asked Harry.

"Oh, yes sir. Dobby has come to tell you, sir.... it is difficult, sir..... Dobby wonders where to begin." Said Dobby.

"Sit down." Said Harry.

He pointed to the bed. The elf looked from him to the bed. Then burst into tears...very noisy tears.

"Sit down! Never....never even had Dobby been ask to sit down." Said Dobby.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you or anything." Said Harry.

"Please try and stay quiet." I said.

"Offend Dobby! Dobby has never been asked to sit down by a wizard, like an equal." Said Dobby.

"Shh please." I said.

I was still by the door and heard the voices down stairs falter.

"You can't have met many decent wizards." Said Harry.

Dobby shook his head. Then, without warning he leapt up and started banging his head furiously on the wall.

"Bad Dobby! Bad Dobby!" Yelled Dobby.

Both me and Harry leapt forward to stop him. Hedwig had woken up with a particularly loud screech and was beating her wings wildly against the bars her cage. Salt fell out of his box and ran towards me. I picked him up setting him back in his box. I went over to calm Hedwig so that the noise would not carry down to the living room.

"Don't....what are you doing?" Asked Harry.

"Dobby had to punish himself, sir. Dobby almost spoke ill of his family, sir." Said Dobby.

"Your family?" Asked me and Harry.

"Yes, The wizarding family Dobby serves, sir. Dobby is a house elf bound to serve one house and one family forever." Said Dobby.

Harry Potter - {1} Memories Where stories live. Discover now