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(Hallie) A few hours earlier.

I opened my eyes. It was still dark, or I just couldn't see. There were sounds of the water all around me. I reached for my wand and then remembered that Jack had hit me. 

"Dammit, he took my wand." I whispered. 

I tried to feel around in the small space I was in. I stopped struggling when I heard footsteps.

"Just push it in." Said Jack.

"It's too heavy." said Peter.

I knew it was him because I remembered his voice from my vision. I tried to be as still as I could. Listening closely to what was around me. Jack scoffed and walked closer to me. Putting his hand on the top.

"Stop being a pussy, Peter." Said Jack.

"I just feel like killing her wouldn't help. What if someone finds out?" Asked Peter.

"Know one will as long as you don't talk." Said Jack.

"That's what you said before." Said Peter.

"That was before Peter. We need to hurry before we are caught." said Jack.

"Fine stop rushing." Said Peter.

"Just stop talking. I have to go fix Andy's body." Said Jack.

Then I was moving towards the water. Peter was mumbling words I didn't catch. I looked out the little keyhole to see I was near the black lake. Without warning I was lifted up and fell in. My arm scraped the side of the box. I got to my senses and plugged the hole with my hand. My mind was racing. My head, back, arm, and hand hurt. I looked down at my arm. It was bleeding. I tried to push on the lid but it was locked. Water was leaking in past my hand. Then it jerked and my hand slipped as I hit the bottom of the lake. I covered it up fast. But it was still coming through.

The water was now coming from somewhere else. It was drenching my clothes and filling up the small space fast. I felt around my body with my empty hand for anything. But nothing was there. My wand was gone. No paper, quills, or even my necklace. Not that I thought it would help. Nothing but me in this small box.

The water was up to my chest now. It was no use holding my hand there. I let go using both hands to push the top and sides. Trying to break it. Nothing was moving, I couldn't even hear anyone near me. No giant octopus. I stopped and breathed. I couldn't think right. The water touched my chin and I tilted my head up. I closed my eyes focusing on my brother. Maybe just, maybe I could get his attention. I saw him and yelled with all my might at him. The water went into my mouth. I spit it out, coughing. Then I took one last breath and submerged underwater. 

If I had to die. I wouldn't pick drowning. It hurts, first your lungs crave oxygen. Making your whole body freak out and try to find air. If you breathe in. The water fills your lungs, suffocating you. Your mind panics. Then you start to pass out. That's when you know you are dead. Because once your body gives up there's nothing to help it. Just darkness, cold, lonely darkness. I still felt the water around me. So must not be dead yet. Or maybe I'll always feel it. Honestly, it's not how I imagined what happened after death.

I always thought it would be sunny, bright, and happy. See my mom and dad. Watch over my friends and brother.

Oh, Shaun. I can't leave him. He needs me. I can't leave any of them. What am I doing? Why am I just sitting here? I can't die. Not this way...I didn't want to die like this. Not by his hands. Not because of him. I am not dying today!

I took in a breath and regretted it. I opened my eyes. My body working on adrenaline and pure panic. I could see light. I saw tails swimming around me. A giant tentacle coming towards me. Then I passed out again. It's not my fault my brain needs air. It was silent. A bright light filled my eyes.

I felt love, happiness, and peace. I felt I needed to go forward. Go towards it. Then my body was forced backward. Back to the cold, darkness I was in before. Then air and more air. My body breathed in and I rolled over coughing up water. I gasped for air. My brain started to come around. It still felt like my lungs were on fire.

I opened my eyes to see who was there. But my eyes were blurry. I closed them back, coughing more. this time tasting something metallic. My brain was now on fire. I reached up holding my head. The pain was unbearable. I wanted to scream or cry. Take me back to that light. Where it was warm and peaceful. I don't want to be here. Fashes of memories went across my eyes.

The smile of my mother. A bright green flash, and a scream. My brother, the cupboard, aunt petunia, and Uncle Vernon. Dudley, going to school, talking to a snake, meeting Hagrid, getting a wand, meeting my cat star, my mouse salt, going on the train, and sitting with Harry and Ron. The first time seeing Hogwarts, then meeting friends, hanging with them, the teachers, and the homework. The sorcerer's stone, fluffy, and Voldemort. George's letter, family love, fights, and Shaun. Every little detail in my life came back to me. In a burry, rushed, understandable way.

That made my brain feels like it was on fire. One that makes my body ache and scream. I wanted to see more and I wanted it to stop. But it didn't, it kept going till everything slowed down. I saw my brother's eyes, my mother and father, RAB and Shaun's smile. Then it all stopped and got dark. My body relaxed. It was quiet but in a good way. Because for the first time in my life, I remembered everything. 

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