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I woke up to the sun in my face. I sat up and yawned. Then looked around me. It was a fairly large room. A book was laid on the table beside me. I picked it up and looked inside.

Welcome to Hogwarts of witchcraft and wizardry.
You have been sorted into Hufflepuff and you are in the girl's dormitories.
Your brother was placed in
You can see him at breakfast or in classes.

I turned the page to find my handwriting and everything I knew on the page. I read it over carefully then turned to the page in the back. Pictures of the girls who were sleeping in the same room were there. With names and how we meet. I was very glad past me left this here. I picked up salt and went to the bathroom. I sat him down on the counter. I started to get ready by brushing my teeth and getting dressed. Then I left the room with my book and salt in my pocket. Star ran ahead as I walked into a common room.

"Hello." Said a girl.

I hope we haven't already met.

"Hi." I said.

"You must be Hallie. I hope you know where you are." Said the girl.

"Yes, I wrote everything down last night it seems." I said.

"Well, that's great. I'm Olivia Hogg. My sister is one of your roommates." Said Olivia.

I went over to her and sat down. She had curly dark blonde hair with blue eyes. I wrote down her name and asked for a picture. She nodded and I went back up to get the camera. Then I taped it into the book and put the camera around my neck.

"Oh Emma, Maddy! Come meet Hallie Potter." Said Olivia.

Two girls came over.

"Hi." I said.

"I'm Emma Diggory." Said Emma.

"And I'm Maddy Abbott." Said Maddy.

I asked them if it would be ok if I get a picture. They said yes. So I did and added them to the book.

"You're related to Hannah?" I asked.

"Yep, she's my little sister. We also have a brother dash, he's 12." Said Maddy.

"Well, we should head down to breakfast." Said Olivia.

Just then my roommates came out looking sleepy but dressed. We all walked together to the Great Hall. Breakfast was already on the table and we sat down. Eating quickly so we weren't late for our first class. I took loads of notes in each class in a separate notebook. Hoping I wouldn't fail because I forgot. Such detailed notes did impress the teachers. I walked into the Great Hall for lunch.

"Hallie! Um, it's Ron." Said Ron.

"The boy on the train. Yes?" I asked.

He fidgeted around, looking at his feet.

"Well, I heard you are getting pictures to remember people by. Do you need mine, or my brothers?" Asked Ron.

"Depends. Are you worth remembering?" I asked.

He stopped fidgeting and looked up at me.

"Really? You're only...well, I guess if I could I would forget things too." Said Ron.

Harry Potter - {1} Memories Where stories live. Discover now