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The party for Dixie got canceled. With us not being able to go without any teachers or past 6 now. It wasn't going to happen. Dixie wasn't that sad about it though. She said that we could always do it some other time or that she really didn't need one at all. I never got a moment to talk to George about the letter.

But my plan to go out to the forest and find Andy's body was still in play. I would just have to now sneak around teachers and go out past 6. By the next night, I found it quite easy. I got out there and went past the trees to find where she was. In my vision, I remember slightly where he buried her.

I took a shovel with me stabbing slightly around the dirt around me to see if there was anything that has been moved recently or if I hit anything. Soon I came to a spot where I found her. I dug a little and saw her necklace through the dirt. As I was picking it up I heard a twig snap behind me. I turned to see Jack standing there.

"How did you know where to find her?" Asked Jack.

"A vision." I said.

I dropped the necklace into a nearby tree. He didn't see because his eyes were on the body now.

"I can't let you live now that you know she's dead. You do understand, don't you Hallie?" Asked Jack.

"You're a monster. You're going to be found out for this. I'm not the only one that knows." I said.

He grabbed my arm pushing me against the tree.

"Who else knows?" Asked Jack.

"I won't tell." I said.

"You stupid girl. If you would have just left this all alone. I would have never pursued you." Said Jack.

"You didn't know I knew until after you started pursuing me. So I doubt that's true." I said.

He let me go and reached down for the shovel. I closed my eyes ready for the attack. A sharp pain in my head told me he hit me. Then it all went black.


I watched as Shaun rolled over in his sleep. Hallie still hasn't come to get him. Maybe she forgot or is in detention. I decided to go see. I first checked the Hufflepuff common room and girl dormitory. But she wasn't there. I went to Professor McGonagall first.

"Excuse me." I said.

"Ah yes, Fanny." Said professor McGonagall.

"Do you know where Hallie Potter is?" I asked.

"In her dormitory, I would believe." Said professor McGonagall.

"No, she's not. I already checked. Plus she never came for Shaun." I said.

"That is unusual." Said professor McGonagall.

She stood up and left the room. I followed her to Professor Snape's office. She knocked and the door opened.

"Yes?" Asked Snape.

"Hallie is missing." Said McGonagall.

"Well, she can't have gotten far." Said Snape.

"Should we start looking for her petrified body?" Asked McGonagall.

"Let's not start worrying." Said Snape.

"I'll go back to the kitchen. I'll let you know if she comes by." I said. 

I left them on the stairs. I went down to check on Shaun. He was still asleep. I went and helped the other house elves with cleaning. I hoped I would see her. Then I sat by Shaun all night. It wasn't till the morning that McGonagall came by.

"We still can't find her. I'm going to ask all her friends and brother to come and see me. I want you to be there with Shaun." Said McGonagall.

"Of course, we'll be there." I said.

Shaun had woken up now. It was getting quite hard to contain him. He was a mess with Miss Hallie gone. But come lunchtime I was called to McGonagall's office. I dressed Shaun with some difficulty then we headed that way. Once inside I saw Mr. Potter sitting up front with Miss Granger and Mr. Weasley. Then I saw the other Mr. Weasleys, Mr. Jorden, and Mr. Riddle on one side of the room. The other side had Miss Clearwater, Miss Hogg, Miss Abbott, Miss Ellis, and Miss Bones. Shaun crawled straight to Mr. Potter. Mr Potter picked him up holding him on his lap.  

"Ah, Fanny. Good, I can start now. everyone I need your attention." Said McGonagall.

Everyone stopped talking and looked up at her. Snape, Sprout, and Dumbledore came in too.

"First, has anyone seen Hallie since last night?" Asked McGonagall.

"Um, she was in bed by the time we went up to sleep. Then gone this morning." Said Miss Bones.

"But we didn't check. So she could not have been there." Said Miss Ellis.

"She never came to pick up Shaun. So I doubt she was in bed." I said. 

"Why do you ask?" Asked Mr. George Weasley. 

"Well, no one has seen her at all today. Or last night. Which means she is missing." Said Sprout.

"Missing!" Yelled Mr. Potter.

Everyone started talking at once.

"Professor McGonagall!" Yelled peeves. 

Peeves zoomed past us. Right up to McGonagall.

"What is it, peeves?" Asked McGonagall.

He dropped a black book into her hands.

"I think I know what happened to Hallie. Everything she knows about it is in there. I think he did something, professor." Said peeves.

McGonagall opened the book and began reading. Her face was shocked and disgusted. She shut the book hard and handed it to Snape.

"Read this, but be warned it's horrific." Said McGonagall.

Then snape read. Though his face was less readable you could tell he was disgusted with the contents. He shut the book slowly and looked around the room.

"What's happened to my sister?" Asked Mr. Potter. 

"This book contains some vile things. I will need to speak with Jack, Peter, and Zack." Said Snape.

Peeves left tot to find them. As did I. I found Zach and brought him to the room. Jack and Peter were already there.

"What's going on?" Asked Zach.  

"Do any of you know where Hallie Potter is?" Asked Snape.

"No sir." Said Jack. 

"No sir." Said peter.

"Hallie's missing?" Asked Zach.

"Yes, Mr. Pettis. It seems like Hallie was mixed in with you three." Said Snape.

I saw Jack's eye fall on the book. Then dart to peeves and Peter. He looks scared. Snape saw this too and glared at Jack. Zach's eyes widened and he stood closer to Snape. 

"Sir, What's in that book is true. Whatever it says." Said Zach.

"Do you know what's in here?" Asked Snape.

"Parts. She asked me what I remembered after Jack raped and killed Andy." Said Zach.

"Lair!" Yelled Peter.

"You were there too Peter. You both raped her. Then you covered up her death!" Yelled Zach. 

"Zach, Zach. You were passed out drunk. I don't know what you were dreaming bro. But that never happened." Said Jack.

He was calm. A little too calm after being accused like that. I think Snape thought that as well.

"You manipulating...." Said Zach.

"That's enough. Leave all of you. Except for Jack and Peter." Said Snape.

We all left. I took Shaun back to the kitchen. I was slightly worried about what Jack would do if he got hold of him. Bringing him into the safety of the kitchen.

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