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Herbology was cancelled this morning. It was snowing outside and professor Sprout wanted to tend to the mandrakes alone. I did offer help but she refused. I saw Justin in the common room. I sat Shaun down and went over to him.

"Justin." I said.

"Ah! H-hallie. What are you doing here?" Asked Justin.

"Well it is the common room. I just wanted to say everything has gotten out of hand. Me and Harry we didn't mean to scare you. I mean we were trying to get it away from you. I did stand in front of you." I said.

"Yeah saying to attack. It leaned forward to me after you spoke to it." Said Justin.

He was standing now backing away from me and to the door.

"Justin just listen to me. We're not the heirs to Slytherin." I said.

"Then how can you speak to snakes?" Asked Justin.

"I don't know. But we didn't open the chamber of secrets. I wouldn't even know where to look for the entrance." I said.

"Or maybe you do. It's probably in the Slytherin common room. Your all buddy buddy with them." Said Justin.

"They're my friends. But I've never been in their common rooms." I said.

"Then what about your brother?" Asked Justin.

"He's innocent. We both are. We don't care what blood you have or where you come from. We were raised by muggles. Our mother was muggle born." I said.

"I just don't believe you Hallie." Said Justin.

Then he took off through the door. The other people in the common room were whispering around me. I took Shaun to my room. I put him down for his nap and left the common room. Walking along I ran into Harry.

"Harry, what are you doing here?" I asked.

He stepped aside and I saw Justin's body on the ground. Plus nearly headless Nick, both petrified.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I don't know. I was coming to see you and ask you if you'd seen Justin. Then I tripped over him." Said Harry.

Peeves came out from behind the corner.

"Oh good! Peeves, go fetch a teacher." I said.

"Miss....Potter. Have you been attacking these kids and ghosts." Said peeves.

"Peeves how could you think so. Of course not. I would never....." I said.


"I said a teacher not the whole damn school." I said.

Doors and people started opening and filling the room. With me and Harry standing by Justin and Nick. I didn't want to touch them just in case someone took it the wrong way. But it felt weird not helping. We were shoved aside as professor McGonagall came over.

"Caught in the act!" Yelled Ernie.

A Hufflepuff boy from our class.

"They can't think we actually did it do you?" I asked Harry on Parseltongue.

"We are the only ones here." Said Harry.

"That's quite enough Macmillan." Said professor McGonagall.

Even though peeves and me were friends. He couldn't help smiling at the scene, peeves always loved chaos. I rolled my eyes.

Justin was carried up to the hospital Wing by Professor flitwick and professor Sinistra of the astronomy department. Nobody seemed to know what to do for nearly headless nick. In the end Professor McGonagall conjured a large fan out of thin air which she gave to Ernie with instructions to waft nearly headless nick up the stairs. This Ernie did, fanning Nick along like a silent black hovercraft. This left harry, me and Professor McGonagall alone together.

"This way Potter." Said professor McGonagall.

"Professor, I swear I didn't...." Said Harry.

"This is out of my hands, potter." Said professor McGonagall.

"It's bad timing really." I said.

We marched in silence around the corner and she stopped to perform a large and extremely ugly stone gargoyle.

"Lemon drop!" Said professor McGonagall.

This was evidently a password, because the gargoyle spring suddenly to life and half decide as the wall behind him split into. Even full of dread for what was coming, I couldn't fail to be amazed. Behind the wall was a spiral staircase that was moving smoothly upward, like an escalator.

As we stepped onto it, I heard the wall thud clothes behind us.
We rose upward in circles, higher and higher until at last, slightly dizzy, I saw a gleaming oak door ahead. A brass knocker and a shape of a griffin was taking up most of the door. I knew where we were. It was the only place that makes sense. This must be where Dumbledore is.

We stepped off the stone staircase at the top, and Professor McGonagall knocked on the door. It opened silently and we entered. Professor McGonagall told us to wait and left us there, alone. Harry looked around and I followed his gaze. I didn't visit many of the teachers offices in the two years here. But I could tell dumbledore's was by far the most interesting.

If I weren't scared of what was to come when we finally went into see Dumbledore. It might have been enjoyable. Harry left me standing in the center of the room walking towards what looks like the sorting hat. He lifted the hat from its shelf and lowered it slowly onto his head. It was much too large and slipped over his eyes just that it's done the last time he put it on. And the last time I put it on.

I waited to see what Harry would tell me. They seem to be having a very good conversation. Then he suddenly grabbed the point of the hat and pulled it off. He pushed it back on the shelf his face all gray.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing, it's just the hat still says I should be in Slytherin." Said Harry.

I realized at once we were speaking in parseltongue to each other without even realizing it. I pointed it out to him and he was shocked to find he hadn't even realized it either.

We looked around some more I realized there was a golden perch behind the door. A decrepit looking bird that resembled a half-plugged turkey was standing on it. We stared at the bird looking bayfully back, making its gagging noise again. It looks very ill and I wondered if Dumbledore was helping it.

The bird suddenly bursted into flames. Me and Harry yelled jumping back. I looked around for water or a towel I could snuff the fire out. But there was nothing. The bird gave a loud shriek and the next second it was gone. I looked over to Harry.

"This isn't good." I said.

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