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The office door opened. Dumbledore came in, looking very somber.

"Professor, your bird....I couldn't do anything. He just caught fire." Said Harry.

"It was all so fast." I said.

Dumbledore smiled.

"About time too, he's been looking dreadful for days. I've been telling him to get a move on." Said Dumbledore.

I looked at this crazy old man to Harry's shocked face. I could only guess that my face mirrored his. Dumbledore chuckled.

"Fawkes is a phoenix. Phoenix's burst into flame when it is time for them to die and are reborn from the ashes. Watch him..." Said Dumbledore.

We looked down in time to see a wrinkly, tiny, newborn bird poke its head out of the ashes. It was quite as ugly as the old one. Though somewhat beautiful.

"It's a shame you had to see him on a burning day. He's really very handsome most of the time, wonderful red and gold plumage. Fascinating creatures, phoenixes. They can carry immensely heavy loads, their tears have healing powers and they make highly faithful pets." Said Dumbledore.

Something told me I would need to remember that information. It was said with such certainty that I knew I needed to remember it. Then I remembered why we were here. I looked up to see Dumbledore taking a seat. I opened my mouth to speak when the door burst open.

Hagrid came in with a wild look in his eyes. His balaclava perched on top of his shaggy blackhead and a dead rooster swinging from his hand.

"It wasn't harry, professor dumbledore! I was talking ter him seconds before the kid was found, he never had time, sir." Said Hagrid.

Dumbledore tried to say something, but Hagrid went ranting on, waving the rooster around in his agitation, sending feathers everywhere.

"It can't have been him or Hallie, I swear it in front of the ministry of magic if I have to..." Said Hagrid.

"Hagrid..." Said Dumbledore.

"You got the wrong boy, sir. I know Harry never...." Said Hagrid.

"Hagrid! I do not think Harry attacked those people." Said Dumbledore.

"Oh, right. I'll wait outside then, headmaster." Said Hagrid.

And he stomped out looking embarrassed.

"You don't think it was me, professor?" Asked Harry.

"No, Harry I don't. But I still want to talk to you. Both of you." Said Dumbledore.

Harry and I got nervous again.

"I must ask you, whether there is anything you'd like to tell me. Anything at all." Said Dumbledore.

I thought back on everything I knew about what has happened. There wasn't anything that I could think of.

"No, there isn't anything, professor." Said Harry.

"Then you may go, Harry." Said Dumbledore.

Harry looked over at me.

"Go on, I'll meet you back." I said.

He left leaving me alone with Dumbledore.

"Is there something you wish to say Hallie?" Asked Dumbledore.

"Yes sir. Me and Harry can speak Parseltongue." I said.

"So I've heard. It's a very uncommon gift." Said Dumbledore.

"Yes, it is. Did my parents ever show any uncommon gifts?" I asked.

"No, I don't believe they did." Said Dumbledore.

"There's one more thing." I said.

Dumbledore nodded his head for me to continue.

"I can see the past sometimes. And the future others. That's also not a very common gift." I said.

"Is there a question?" Asked Dumbledore.

"Did my mother have this gift?" I asked.

"No i don't believe she did. But if I remember correctly your grandmother had ut. Though she never spoke on it. Maybe it wasn't so often." Said Dumbledore.

Grandmother, I wonder which one. Not now Hallie.

"If I knew something. About the past could I act upon it?" I asked.

"You must be careful Hallie. To act on the past or future can cause deviating consequences." Said Dumbledore.

"Ok, well thank you professor that was all." I said.

"Are you sure?" Asked Dumbledore.

"Yes sir." I said.

I left the room feeling confused and upset. I went down to my other classes. I continued to think of what to do. Before dinner I took Shaun outside to play in the snow. I sat outside with all three of my book reading through them. Peeves was floating near me throwing snowballs at unsuspecting kids. A few fell near Shaun and he giggled.

Christmas break was coming up. A lot of people were going home for Christmas. Probably because of the double attack on Justin and nick. There was a lot of talk on what could have done something to nick. What could be so it hurt an already dead being.

Also I wouldn't mind many of the people leaving. I hated having to walk around the halls and everyone whispering after me. Or moving away looking scared that I'll do something. Harry was having a hard trouble to though it did help that the twins were making it seem as though it wasn't really real. I knew deep down that it was real though. Somewhere in this Castle was the chamber of secrets and someone was opening it. I have no idea who so I couldn't tell anyone about it.

The only people that were staying over the holidays were me, Harry, Shaun, Ron, Hermione, Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle and Jack. Which I wasn't happy about. I hated that he was going to be here. I hated having to watched over my back for him coming.

Peeves helped, but I wanted to be free. Free to move through classes alone if I wanted to. I saw Jack that morning after everyone had left. The school was silent and the tables empty. I sat with Harry, holding Shaun in my lap. Fred, George, Ginny and Percy also stayed at school. George sat next to me talking about me staying in the Gryffindor common room while everyone is gone.

"I mean it would make sense. No one is even in your common room." Said George.

"It would be nice. I don't really like being all alone." I said.

"Then it's settled. You'll stay in with Hermione and Ginny." Said Harry.

"Ok." I said.

"Sleepover!" Said Ginny.

Shaun fell asleep as we all sat in the Gryffindor common room. He laid his head on my chest and fell asleep slightly after sitting down. The twins were playing exploding snap. Which surprisingly didn't wake Shaun. We were enjoying the empty room. Harry sat by me.

"I can't seem to Speak Parseltongue without a snake being around." Said Harry.

"I can." I said.

"Yes, and now I can because I heard you." Said Harry.

"Well, that's not bad." I said.

"Hey you two stop speaking in your coded language." Said George.

"Yeah, stop hissing at each other." Said Fred.

"You know I'm pretty sure Mattheo can speak Parseltongue too." I said.

"Really? Then that must mean Voldemort could as well." Said Harry.

"Don't say his name." Said Ron.

"It's possible." I said ignoring him.

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