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At the end of the lesson, I hung back with Harry.

"Those spiders. We need to follow them. Any ideas?" I asked.

"We'll have to use the Invisibility Cloak again. We take Fang with us. He's used to going into the forest with Hagrid. He might be some help." Said Harry.

"Right, Er aren't there...aren't there supposed to be werewolves in the forest?" Asked Ron.

"Yes, but there are good things too. Like the centaurs and unicorns." I said.

Lockhart bounded into the room as I took my seat.

"Come now, why all these long faces?" Asked Lockhart.

"Maybe because there is still a monster on the lose." I said.

"Ah miss potter. I sure did miss your commentary. Don't you people realize, the danger has passed! The culprit has been taken away." Said Lockhart.

"Says who?" Asked Dean.

"My dear young man, the minister of magic wouldn't have taken Hagrid if he hadn't been one hundred percent sure that he was guilty." Said Lockhart.

"Oh yes, he would!" Yelled Ron.

"Why aren't you saying anything?" Whispered Hannah.

"I'm trying not to kill him." I said.

"I flatter myself I know a touch more about Hagrid's arrest than you do Mr. Weasley." Said Lockhart.

"All right that's it!" I yelled.

"Yes, miss potter?" Asked Lockhart.

"Shut up. You talk like you are soooooo powerful and great so why don't you do anything about the monster? I would think by now you would know where it is or how to find it. Maybe.... maybe you're scared. That would make sense of everything about you." I said.

"Go off sis." Said Ruby.

"Miss Potter I'm warning you." Said Lockhart.

"Oh, my merlin. You are annoying." I said in parseltongue.

Harry laughed a little and Lockhart went rigid.

"Miss Potter, you better watch your language. I don't want to hear that in my class." Said Lockhart.

"Or what. You'll throw your wand at me. I've looked up everything you say you did in those books of yours. Seems like they've been done in other places too. So are you lying Professor Lockhart?" I asked.

He didn't speak so I continued.

"I don't like you, i think I've made that obvious. I've never thought you were really who you say you are. But please prove me wrong or just sit there like the idiot you are. Also, you not teaching us anything. This class is a waste!" I yelled.

I knocked over his tower of books, took Shaun, and left. As I passed Harry he slipped me a note. It felt great to leave that class. I went outside and read the note. Let's do this tonight. I sat Shaun down and looked out to the forest. It's not as scary as everyone says. Shaun crawled around. He was getting better at crawling and was keeping me on my toes. I went down to Hagrid's hut. I let Fang out and walked around with him and Shaun. I saw Professor Sprout coming to us.

"Miss Potter, you can't be out here unsupervised." Said professor Sprout.

"Sorry, but I couldn't stay in that class one more second. Plus I think the monster won't hurt me." I said.

"You can't be sure Hallie." Said professor Sprout.

I put Fang away and told him I'd come for him later. I went back in with Professor Sprout. I spent that time helping her. Then took Shaun to be with Fanny. He was getting sleepy and I had to get to my next class. All through the class I thought about the forest and what we might be getting ourselves into tonight.

Before dinner time I saw peeves heading into a empty hallway.

"Peeves!" I yelled.

He turned looking over at me. He smiled and came closer.

"What can I do for you Hallie?" Asked peeves.

"This letter, it's from George. Even though it doesn't say who but I know." I said.

"And?" Asked peeves.

"I want to write back. But I don't want him to know I know." I said.

"So secret love letters~" Said peeves.

Some kids passing by looked over.

"Shh! Yes." I said.

"What do you want me to do?" Asked peeves.

"Give him the letters. And in return give his to me. This way he'll still think I don't know." I said.

"I see, but how did I find out?" Asked peeves.

"You overhead one of those dwarves talking about him giving the letter. Or something." I said.

"Alright, I'll do it. Got anything for me yet." Said peeves.

"Yeah, right here." I said.

I handed him a letter.

"It's sealed." Said peeves.

"Well, I don't want anyone else reading it." I said.

He sighed and took the letter away. At dinner I wanted to sit by Harry. But was called over to the Hufflepuff table by Claire. I looked over at Harry then at Claire. I walked over and sat by Claire.

"What's up?" I asked.

"You weren't going to sit with the Gryffindor's were you?" Asked Ernie.

"Why does it matter? My brother is over there." I said.

"Yeah we know. But it's weird to sit at other tables during dinner." Said Hannah.

"Come on Hallie." Said Susan.

"No, you guys made me sit during lunch. So now I'm going over there." I said.

I walked over there quickly and sat down next to George. Across from Harry.

"Where'd you go when you left class?" Asked Harry.

"Outside. I let fang put to play for awhile till professor Sprout found me." I said.

"You left class?" Asked Lee.

"Lockhart's. There no point being in the class to begin with. We don't learn anything." I said.

"Yeah worst teacher we've had. And we had you know who teach." Said Fred.

I smiled and shifted Shaun in my arms.

"Yeah, you know it's bad when the evilest wizard is better then him." Said George.

We all ate and I didn't have anytime to talk with Harry. Without being heard that is. So as I walked to my dormitory I looked for ways I could sneak out. I didn't have an invisibility cloak so I would be seen if someone was to walk up on me.

"Hallie, why are you looking left and right like something's about to happen?" Asked Susan.

She Squeaked and stepped closer to me.

"Oh, no everything's fine. Just looking at the school. New perspective." I said.

We sat down in the common room. I waited forever for them all to go to bed. I put Shaun down, hoping he wouldn't wake while I was gone. Then waited in the common room. I pretended to be reading. Catching up on homework, though I finished everything already.

"Good night Hallie, don't stay up to late." Said Claire.

Claire, Ruby and Emma were the last ones up. Ruby yawned and leaned on Claire as they walked off. Emma stopped and looked back at me.

"I know you're going somewhere. You don't have to tell me. But please be careful." Said Emma.

"Thank you Emma. I will, promise." I said.

Then she left looking worried. I knew she wouldn't tell anyone though. So I checked on Shaun and went out the door. I checked everything was clear and started sneaking to the front door.

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