His bodyguard

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It was their last day in GligitBalistan so Zain and Zoya had decided to shop gifts for their family. After having lunch they two left for the locality bazaar nearby. From exploring every single corner of accessories stalls to choosing good quality stuff and then buying them, Zoya was completely worn out at the end. To worsen it even more, she wore heels today which goes well with her outfit but now her feet were paining like hell. It was such a bad idea shopping with heels on.

"Zain!!!" She called out to him exasperatedly who was walking a few steps ahead of her holding all the shopping bags. He stopped and looked at her questioningly.

"I can't walk anymore yaar!!!" She exclaimed and squatted down on the bench. She took off her heels and adjusted her position in such a way that now her legs were crossed on the bench and she began massaging her feet that had turned red.

"Do you want me to carry you back, little bear??" Zain placed the bags on the bench and looked at her teasingly.

"No thanks!!!" Zoya scrunched her nose, not wanting to face that public embarrassment again.

"Wait here." Zain took a quick troll of their surroundings and disappeared to who knows where. Zoya lowered her head and kept massaging her feet until he came back holding what looked like a shoe box. He kneels down to the ground on his one knee taking out the sneakers from the box and gestured her to put her feet down.

Mard sirf apni pasandeeda aurat ke samne jukta ha, apni ego aur uski respect in the society to neeche rakh kar.

Zoya obliged to his demand, lowered her legs and watched how he slipped those sneakers into her feet and then tied the laces. It was exact her supposed foot size, they seemed cozy and fit perfectly.

Zain's act had captured everyone's attention in the bazaar as people were specifically glancing in their direction in between their shopping but these two seemed to be in their own world.

"I guess this will do. Don't wear heels again." Zain glanced up at her once he had tied the laces and rose back to his feets, holding on to the straps of her heels in his hand. Zoya, who was lost staring at him in awe, got a little bit startled and tucked a strand of her hair shyly, feeling eyes over them.

Is this man planning to make her fall head over heels for him by his little acts? Or maybe she is already head over heels for him.

"Are you comfortable now?? Is it still painful??" Zain inquired with concern when they began walking again. Zoya just nodded her head in response with a smile. Her heart was threatening to explode with unwavering emotions fluttering within because of his utmost care.

"Omg look he is Zain Malik!!!" They reached back at the location of the hotel when a group of young girls was seen coming along their direction with wide eyes, beaming smiles and screaming with excitement. Before they two could process the situation, those girls swarmed around Zain, literally pushing Zoya out of the picture much to her shock as she looked at them with her mouth hung open.

The audacity!!!

"Hey Zain! We are huge fans of you, can we get a selfie please??"

"Ommo! You're much more handsome in real life."

"Can we please get an autograph too? I need to show it to my friends that I met you for real."

"Zain look here and say cheese!!!!"

Those fangirls were literally throwing themselves at him, holding out their phones, ready to capture a moment with their idol. One even has an autograph book, pleading for his signature. Zain who was shocked at first with the sudden attack composed himself and gave in to their requests, knowing there was no way out for him, they were young girls and he didn't want to disrespect them. He poses for pictures and signs autographs for them as well keeping his cold aura.

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