A date?

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After freshening up, Zain emerged from the bathroom and closed the door behind. His gaze fell over Zoya who was sitting before the dressing table, indulged in moisturizing her skin with a lotion while humming a song. There was a different kind of glow on her face and ever since he returned home, he noticed she was beaming lately.

"Did you by any chance won a lottery after coming back home??" Zain inquired while walking towards the bed. That's when he caught the glimpse of tulip flowers, decorated in the flower vase on her bedside table. It wasn't there before.

"Where did these flowers come from??" Frowning, he turned to her and threw another question before she could answer the previous one.

Zoya paused and glanced at him through the mirror, her cheerful mood turned sour really quick. Like seriously? How can this man pretend so effortlessly after literally sending her those flowers? Closing the lotion bottle and putting it back on the dressing, she stood up from the stool and walked up to him crossing her arms.

"Why are you pretending now as if you weren't the one to send me these huh?" Zoya looked at him with a scrutinizing gaze. She couldn't believe he could be pretentious to this extent.

Confusion etched on Zain's face as the creases on his forehead deepended, "What are you saying? I didn't send you anything."

"Really you didn't? Then what is this?" Zoya picked the note from the table and showed it to him. Zain grabbed the note from her hand and flipping it back and forth, he observed it keenly. It had that same familiar writing and the initials of his name were engraved on the note which was barely noticeable but his sharp eyes were able to detect it. A wave of rage rose within his body as his jaw clenched tightly. That man was really playing with him and getting on his nerves.

"Can you really recognise my writing, my dear wife??" Composing himself, Zain asked her, his tone was sarcastic.

"Ofcourse I can, if I wouldn't know then who would?" Zoya nodded in response.

"Then read this note again carefully." He handed over the note back and motioned her to focus on the handwriting.

Zoya observed the handwriting keenly and soon her face color changes in a split second like a chameleon. She looked at him who had a blank expression on his face and then back at the note, blinking. Indeed it was not his hand writing. If it wasn't him then who else sent her the bouquet? She was feeling over the moon when received the bouquet thinking it was from him that she didn't pay much attention to the handwriting and assumed it was definitely Zain.

"Oye! What are you doing???" Zoya flinched when he snatched the note from her hand, tore it into pieces and then saw him picking the tulips from the vase and going towards the window. Sensing his intentions, she rushed after him in order to stop him but Zain was fast enough to open the window and throw the flowers out along with the torn pieces of paper.

"Why are you venting your anger on those poor innocent flowers?? What's their fault huh?" Zoya yelled at him, feeling bad for those poor tulips, they were so beautiful, especially its sweet fragrance.

"If you ever receive such things from anyone again unless it's me, I swear to God I'll break your hands, understand??" Warning her with gritting teeth, Zain went to pick his phone from the nightstand. The mere thought of some other man having his eyes on her burned the whole inside of his.

"Haan haan khud uss larki ke sath lunch kar sakte ho magar mujhe koi phool nahi bejh sakta haina? Double standards!!! "

Zain flashed her a sharp furious look which was enough to send chills down to her body as she pursed her lips right away, fearing he might do something in rage but he stormed out off room, not wanting to argue with her further.

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