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"What happened Zoya, are you feeling okay???"

"Allah! You're looking so pale, what happened to you???"

Zoya came back to the lounge after throwing up only to greet with her family's concerned faces. Meera guided her to the sofa and made her sit as she was feeling weak and dizzy after vomiting, her face looked drained out of color and her head felt heavy as well. Fariya told one of the maids to bring warm water and made her drink it.

"How are you feeling now, shall we go to the doctor??" Meera inquired worriedly, running her hand in her hair. No matter how much she scolds her for her foolishness in the end she was her daughter. She equally cares for her as much as she loves scolding her.

"I'm fine mom!!! That food made me throw up. I felt nauseous inhaling its smell." Zoya scrunched her nose in disgust, that awful feeling still lingering in the air. Biryani and kebab is her most favorite but now just at the thought of them had her wanting to throw up again.

"We all ate the same food then why did it affect her differently??" Fariya wondered.

"I don't think there was a problem in the food but her." The three of them turned to Saniya who was smiling knowingly, unaffected by sudden deterioration of her health.

"What do you mean ammi jaan???"

"How can you both not understand? I think it's an early symptom of pregnancy." Zoya's eyes almost popped out of her sockets listening to her grandmother's assumption while Meera and Fariya exchanged looks of surprise and joy. Their eyes sparkled at the thought of the possibility of Zoya being pregnant.

"Oh my!!! How couldn't we thought of that. Hayee mera bacha, I'm so happy, am going to be Nano!!!" Before Zoya could even react or object at the subject, Meera squealed with unwavering happiness and engulfed her in a affectionate hug much to her shock.

"Really I am going to be dadi to Zain's child!!! Ya Allah I can't believe it. Tera lakh lakh shukar."

"Alhamdulillah I'm finally going to be per dadi!!" Fariya and Saniya's excitement were no different as they showered her with uncountable hugs and kisses, leaving her speechless. Zoya who was shocked would be an understatement was unable to process anything that she felt her head spinning vigorously at the turn of events.

Ya Allah! What is happening with these women!!!

Meanwhile Zain was sitting in his office, certainly trying to focus on work. There was so much for him to catch up and look after countless things because of his two weeks holiday but to his dismay, his mind kept wandering back to his wife.

His mind was fully occupied with her thoughts, seizing his ability of focusing on simple work like proofreading the files and signing them. Never ever he thought he'd miss her presence like hell and would feel this miserable. When it comes to work, he is like a manic is mad for his lover. He always made sure while working nothing would distract him in order to stay firm on his goals but now his little wife was becoming the biggest distraction and hindrance for him. She had casted a spell on him like a witch she was.

"Churail na ho to!!!" Sighing frustratedly he shoved the files away and picked his phone. Searching for her number he gave her a call and waited for her to pick up. He won't be at peace unless he hears her voice and listens to her blabbers. He was addicted to them.

The ringing went on but she wasn't responding at all. After messing with his mind as well as heart now she won't even pick his call. Great!!!

Only if he knew what misery she was going through.

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