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uneasy topics talked about throughout the chapter, such as: ed and su!c!dal thoughts. read at your own discretion and the places are marked!

*Flynn's POV*

I sit on the couch facing her, watching as her chest rises and falls. I don't dare move my eyes away, afraid she'll quit breathing, or even worse—wake up. Her red hair is sprawled out across one end of the couch while her body is tightly curled in a ball, and I lean again my palm while staring at her peaceful face.

Suddenly, the phone in the corridor begins ringing, and I quickly jump up and move towards it, picking it up before my mother awakens. Part of me hopes it's Willow, letting me know about something good that has happened to her, but the possibilities of that happening are close to none.

"Hello?" The most irritating voice rings through the phone. I let out a massive sigh, and the person on the other end calls out for me. "Flynn, I've missed you!" She exasperates, and I try my hardest to not slam my head against the wall.
"What do you want, Odette?" I mutter into the phone and I hear her giggle—actually fucking giggle.

"I want you at my party tonight." She says, and I hear her laugh. "I haven't seen you in so long."
"That's not a good idea, Odette." I start quietly. "I've got a lot going on—"
"Please." She begs, in the most annoying tone ever, and I pause.
"Who's going?" I ask impatiently.
"A lot of people," she says and I roll my eyes. "Roone will be there." I take this into consideration, but I think of one more question.

"I'll only go if I can bring Willow." I remark, and I listen to her huff before speaking again.
"Fine." She agrees, and I sort of smile. "See you tonight, Flynn."

I hang up the phone and I begin to quietly move up the stairs, avoiding the creaks in the stairs once again. I reach the top and I walk towards my bedroom. I open the door as softly as I can before walking over to my dresser to grab the compression wrap that I'm supposed to put around my abdomen. I unfold it and I lift up my shirt so I can begin wrapping it around myself.

I wish I could magically recover from this injury. It's embarrassing enough to have others know that this injury was caused by him, let alone me constantly being in pain over it. I'm glad I can find ways to distract my mind from the pain, but it's always a constant ache in my body, and sometimes it gets frustrating to always be hurting.

I finish the wrap and I pull my shirt back down over it. The tightness of the wrap oddly eases the pain, even if I don't have an explanation for the change in feeling. I walk back out of the room and I quietly begin descending the stairs for a final time. As I step off the final stair, I hear my mom call out my name. I walk back towards the living room and I see her sitting up slightly.

"Where are you going?" She asks, and I watch her brush her red out of her eyes.
"I'm going over to Willow's house, Mom." I say, leaning against the door frame. She nods her head and then lies back down, and I hesitate before speaking again. "I'll be home later, there should be dinner in the kitchen for you to eat."
"I love you, Flynn." She says, and part of me hopes she actually means it.
"Love you, too." I say before turning on my heel towards the entry way. I quickly swing open the door and I walk through it, shutting it softly.


I feel horrible for leaving her alone once again, but I need to focus on getting Willow out of the house so she doesn't do something to herself. She hasn't in almost 2 days, but I'm worried that means she'll be inclined to do it tonight.

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