Chapter 61

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What Is And What Never Should Be

After going to see my dad one last time and saying goodbye, I went to say goodbye to Mera and Dean. 

I reminded myself I wasn't losing Dean forever. He was out there, waiting for me. But it still hurt.

I kissed Mera on the head. "I love you." I whispered.

I cleared my throat, moving out of the room. I peeked into the next room, watching Dean sleep for a moment before turning and heading for the door. 

After that, I grabbed the keys to the Impala from the counter and made my way to Illinois.

Once getting there, I stared up at the warehouse. 

I walked through the dark halls, flashlight in hand. 

Eventually, I stumbled upon two dead bodies. The ones I'd seen in the closet. They had IVs in their arms, leading to blood bags. 

Another girl was hung up by her wrists, still alive, but barely.

The Djinn were draining her of her blood too. 

She was the girl I kept seeing. 

At the sound of footsteps, I hid, watching as the Djinn walked up to the girl. He was a bald man with tattoos covering his entire body. 

The girl began sobbing once she woke up fully. "Where's my dad? I don't know. No. Don't. No. Where's my dad?"

"Sleep." The Djinn said, touching her face. 

Her eyes rolled back and she went limp. 

The Djinn pulled the tube from the blood bag, raising it to his lips. 

I bit my lips, waiting for him to walk off again.  

In that moment, I realized what this really was. There was no wish really granted. The girl had no clue where she really was. She thought she was with her dad. The Djinn just created an illusion for you to live in until you bleed out. 

I stepped out now that it was gone. 

Suddenly, my head hurt. 

I blinked rapidly as glimpses of the room changed. I felt my wrists tied above my head. I was weak and so tired. My limbs were heavy. 

This is all in my head.

It's not real.

It's...I'm dying. 

"Saaaaige." Shadow Lady whispered in the back of my mind.

"Oh, great, you're back too." I muttered. "Now I'm talking to the voices in my head. Wonderful. Just wonderful."

But if I'm tied up somewhere and none of this is real, how do I get out?

How do I stop this?

"It's gotta be similar to other dreams, right?" I asked out loud, pacing. "There's gotta be something I can do? Shadow Lady? Trench Coat Man? Any suggestions? God, I sound like a nutcase."

I pulled the knife out of my jeans. 

In every other dream I've had, right before I died, I woke up. 

I look down at the blade. 

"It could work." I mumbled. I flipped the knife around, placing it at my stomach. "It could work."


I spun around to see Dean standing there. 

"Saige, stop. You're happy. Stay with us. Stay here." He said.

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