You sit on their lap/ontop of them....

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You walk into the lounge as you hunt around the house for someone to talk to. You spot Shuu sleeping on the couch and decide to take this opportunity to be a little bit sneeky. Like a mother licking ninja... That sounds a little weird you think to yourself as you make you way quietly towards Shuu. You had planned to just poke his face with a stick or something but just as you made your way to the 'sleeping' Shuu he wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you down so you're sitting on his lap. "Shuu?" You squeal, you feel the heat in your cheeks rise as his warm breath touches your neck. "Looks like a naughty girl needs to be punished." Smirked Shuu as he pulled you closer.

You walk past Reijis room and spot him reading some book with a fancy title. Hmm I wonder what Reiji-San is reading? You ask yourself as you knock on his door. "What do you want (f/n)?" He asked. "May I come in Reiji-San?" He just nods yes so you make your way towards him. Still interested in what he's reading you decide to sit on his lap to inspect his book. Of course you think nothing of this action however Reijis cheeks tint pink as you try to get comfortable on his lap and read his book. "(F/n) you could of just asked what I was reading!" He scolded, even though he enjoyed this he didn't want to let it show. "Sorry Reiji, I was just interested in what you were reading." You reply with a sad tone making him feel guilty. "D-do you want me to read it to you?" He asked with pink cheeks. You nod yes in reply and he begins reading the book out loud to you.

A house meeting was called so you make your way to the main lounge where every house meeting is held. As you walk into the room you notice every seat is taken up by the vampire brothers. "You could of saved a seat for me you know... What happened to lady's first?" You say with venom in your voice. "We did bitch-chan." Smirked Laito as he patted his lap. "Right here." You sigh as you walk towards Laito, remembering that the last house meeting went for two and a half hours you did not want to be standing. As you sat down on Laitos lap you could once again hear him smirk. Everyone is looking at you oddly. "What, I am not standing around while you weirdos talk about dish washing duty's for hours." Besides as much as I would hate to amit sometimes Laito is hot.

It was a Saturday and the sun was out and shining. Happy with the beautiful weather you decide to go for a walk around the rose gardens that Subaru looks after so diligently. On your journey around the gardens you see Kanato having a tea party with teddy on a very beautiful out doors table set. Instantly noticing the cake and hearing your stomach growl you decide to approach the cute vampire. "Hey-ya Kanato, what are you and teddy doing?" Kanato looks at you a little annoyed. "Baka, what does it look like?" "Well, Kanato... May I have a bite of your cake." You ask as you crawl onto his lap. The little vampires cheeks turn deep pink and he quickly turns his head away from facing you. "Just little, not all." Of course though you're hungry so you take a huge bite and quickly run off to escape from then now angry Kanato... Maybe that was a bad idea, oh well that cake tasted nice.

It was three in the morning and you had trouble sleeping, even though you're not aloud to sleep at night you sometimes do. This whole changing your human clock thing was a little hard. While you were wondering around the house you walked past Ayato sitting down on a couch. "Oi (f/n), come here!" Demanded Ayato. You hesitantly walk over "yeah Ayato?" You ask, stopping when you're right in front of him expecting what happens next. Ayato wraps his arms around you and pulls you onto his lap. "Tell ore-sama how much you love him and how he's the greatest thing since.... Since pizza." You laugh as you move yourself into a more comfortable position on his lap causing him to blush a little. "Ore-sama, nothing is better than pizza."

School was finish and here you were fixing a light bulb in your skirt on a unstable ladder with Subaru supporting the ladder from the bottom. "Just don't loosen your grip okay!" You yell while un-screwing the blowen bulb. "I won't." After a few minutes you finally manage to get the new light bulb in. "Yassss!" You yell raising your fists in the air ✊. Subaru looks up too see the good job you've done, however he only sees your white underwear that has pink polka dots on them. Suddenly completely red and flustered Subaru freaks out and loosens his grip on the ladder causing you to fall off and on his lap. "Ooof." You quickly leap off Subaru apologizing whiles he holds his package and fights off the many tears springing to his eyes, he doesn't want to seem weak in your eyes.

Hey beautifuls, this is my first time doing something like this and believe me it is much harder than I expected. Sorry about this one not being that good, maybe if I get better I'd redo it. I hope you enjoyed these scenarios.
Oliver out Xx

PS: request any fab ideas ☺❤✊✌✋

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