You try on their clothes...

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Shuu: It was late in the afternoon and you were bored. "That's it... I'm gonna play dress up." You walk into Shuus room and grab out on of his sweaters and one of his ripped up jeans. Ewww there's some blood stains on his pants... You strip down to only you bra and underwear. You begin changing into the clothes you pulled out. The jeans were huge so you had to roll them up at the bottom, and the sweater was quite baggie too however you left it the way it was. Remembering you brought some gummy teeth lollies that had fangs you run to your room and grab the lollies before finding Shuu. Once you found the lazy vampire you stick one of the gummys in your mouth and reveal your fangs to him. "Ha! Now I'm a vampire. Just like you." You spin around happy with how you look. "What was a perverted woman such as you doing in my room and changing into my clothes?" He asks as he pulls you closer to him. "Sorry Shuu, I just thought it woul-" he cuts you off by saying. "You look cute..." You blush and so does Shuu.

Reiji: Mondays are the days you hate most, just like everyone else. You decide you need to make your day better and what better way to do that then by dressing up in Reiji clothes and mocking him. You sneek into his room while he gone out of the house for a while and grab one of his many Sebastian wannabe outfits. Once changed you walk down to the living room and approach Laito. "What despicable manners you have Laito." You say while putting on your best Reiji impression, pushing up the glasses and all. "Neh bitch-chan, you look so cute... Why don't you wear my clothes? fufufufu~" you giggle before acting as Reiji again. "Laito, that is no way to talk to a lady." You even do his scoff and all. After many minutes of mocking Reiji, Laito begins to go quiet. "What's wrong?" A smirk appears across Laito face. "How long has he been behind me?" You ask. "The whole time... I didn't end up leaving the house." You turn around and face Reiji as he pushes his glasses further up the bridge of his nose. "It looks like I need to punish you for your poor behavior (f/n)."

Laito: After what happened with Reiji a few weeks ago you've been ignoring Laito. He could of told you Reiji was behind you the whole time. You shudder as you remember the punishment you received. "Ne~ bitch-chan..?" Laito calls for you but you walk past him. "Tch." He clicks his tongue as you walk past. There's only one way to get payback... Steal his fedora and favorite clothes. You walk into his room and grab the clothes, however you suddenly felt compelled to try them on... They smelt like Laito and you would be liying if you said you don't like the way he smells. Without hesitation you throw on the clothes and begin pouncing around the room like a fashion model. "Fufufufu~ bitch-chan those are my clothes." You stop your embarrassing scene and face the perverted vampire. "Looks like I'll just have to remove my clothes from your body. Nfu~"

Kanato: You and Kanato were having a tea party. "Ne (f/n), why don't you dress as a boy?" He asks while pouring your tea. "Then my brothers wouldn't easily lust over your body." He pouts a little, most likely jealous of his brothers. It was one of those rare times when Kanato was actually sort of sane. "Because I don't have any." You reply politely. "Teddy, do think (f/n) would look cute in my clothes?" You blush a little as Kanato speaks to the bear in his arms. "(F/n), teddy and I both agree that you'll look cute in my clothes... Go wear them." The last few words were a little demanding and you sensed he would go nuts if you didn't do as he said. You go to the purple haired vampires room and put on some of his clothes before rejoining him at the tea party. "We were right Teddy... (F/n) does look cute in them." He looks at you and says. "Take off my clothes, I don't want my brothers seeing you." And with that he carried on drinking tea and eating biscuits while you sat there a little confused as to what was going on.

Ayato: "hey Ayato!!! Let's do something!!!" You whine while following closely behind the vampire you're hard core crushing on. "Oi, it's ore sama to you!" He clicks his tongue while you latch onto him. "Ooooh I know." The red haired vampire twitched at this comment, normally whenever you say something along those lines you end up doing something that annoys him. "How about I dress up in your clothes." Before Ayato could protest against this you detach yourself from his back and run into his room. In a flash your already changed into his clothes and walking around the house like you own the place. "Hey Ayato! Don't I look cute!!!" You sing out. His face soon matches his hair as he quietly mumbles out "yes you do."

Subaru: The night sky was dimly lit up by the moon as it illuminated your room. Your tired body laid out on the (f/c) sheets. All you could think about was running away from this place. Your body had, had enough of this blood sucking. So that is what you did. You gathered up a small amount of things and snuck out of the house and ran into the nearby forest. As you were running you slipt and slid down a muddy hill into a small lake. "Baka! That's what you get for running away! Not that I care!" You look up to see the one and only Subaru standing in front of you with his arms crossed. "Were you following me?" The moment you ask this his face blushes a little. "Of course not!!! I just heard a scream and figured it was you." He stumbles a little on his words. You slowly make your way out of the lake and walk towards the blushing vampire. "Well all my clothes are soaking wet now." Subaru and you walk back to the home. Everyone else was out or asleep. "Here wear some of my clothes." The flustered vampire chucked some of his clothes at you and motioned for you to change. He turns his back and you put oh his clothes. "For a strong guy you're fairly small." He turned around and blushed at the cute sight of you in his clothes. "For a runaway brat you're fairly cute."

Omg guys, so sorry this took for ever. Major writers block. Annnd Thank you so much for the 1.4k views ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ(≧∇≦)/
Also don't forget to comment any suggestions for what you want to see... Please do cause honestly I'm running dry of ideas.

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