They talk about you...

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In this senario you don't live with them...

Shuu: "who's that girl in your class?" Asked the perveted vampire. The 'sleeping' blonde opened his beautiful blue eye and gazed at his stepbrother. "Which one?" Quized the blonde. "The cute girl with (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes. Fufufu." Giggled the red head, probably thinking something perverted. Shu immediately though of you and smiled to himself. Your the one girl he can't seem to takes his eyes off. "(F/n)?" Half asked half answered Shu. "Oooh so that's her name? Nfu." Cooed Laito as he began to leave the room. Before Laito managed to take one step out the door Shu grabbed his arm tightly. "She's mine." Threatened the blonde with fury filled orbs knowing what his brother intends to do to you. Laito just pouted in response, with the shu was glaring at him he knew it'd be best to stay away from you.

Reiji: Reiji left the book shop he just saw you in. He would visit there everyday just so he could see you. To be honest he didn't know what was wrong with him, he didn't stalk you but he would go to the book shop just so he could gaze upon your beautiful face. He was memorized by your enchanting beauty. "Tch, Reiji! Is something on your mind!?" Scoffed ore sama clearly annoyed at how distant his brother seemed. "HELLO!!!" The red head waved his hand in front of Reiji face. "You've been sitting there staring at the wall for the past three hours." Added Ayato. "Hmmm?" Questioned Reiji before regaining his composure. "I was just thinking about a memorizing girl I saw today..." Reiji trailed off in his sentence as his mind went straight back to you. Ayato smirked has a girl really done this to Reiji? laughed Ayato to himself.

Laito: If you were to hear what Laito said about you, like every other girl you would assume it would be something pervy. And your not to far from the truth. Because you're in Ayato, Kanato and Laito class you often become the main topic of their conversation. "So did (f/n) attend class?" Asked Ayato. "Well of course she did. Fufufu~" giggled the hat loving vampire. "Me and the (f/n) haired beauty had a great conversation. Nfu~" lied Laito to get his brothers attention. "What about laito-kun?" Quized Kanato as he pulled his beloved Teddy close to his chest. "Not until you're older~" cooed the pervet. "What's that supposed to mean?"questioned Ayato with anger. "It means what normally a good looking mortal and vampire talk about... If you know what I mean~" laughed Laito causing Ayato to blush slightly at the thoughts running through his mind, little did he know I was all just a lie.

kanato: As usual the brothers left Kanato to his own devices and whenever he was alone with just him and Teddy he would tell Teddy all about you and what you did that day. Some might find it creepy that he watches you all day and remembers everything about you but you secretly like it and think it's cute. Of course you've noticed him watching you, he's not very sneeky but you don't mind it. "Neh Teddy? Did you watch (f/n) today?" Asked the boyish vampire. As always he got no verbal reply but the vampire carried on speaking. "During English while she was writing her essay I watched as strands of her shiny (h/c) hair covered her beautiful face and it just made me think how doll like she is.... Teddy, do you think (f/n) would make a beautiful doll?" Questioned the purple haired boy. "I think so too..." Replied Kanato as he pulled his Teddy closer into his chest.

Ayato: You and Ayato are in the same sports team, at first he hated you, I mean you were just so amazing at everything. But soon the red Haired became memorized by how amazing you are and how talented you are. Before Ayato knew it he was bragging about how amazing you are too all his brothers, all of the time and tonight was not exception. "And then the next thing I knew she was jumping over me and scoring a goal!" Cheered Ayato as he reenacted the entire scene, swapping roles often and making sure his brothers were keeping up with how awesome you are. "She then smiled at me and thanked me for helping her shake off the enemy players and I was like that's okay and pulled the thumbs up she then just giggled and I couldn't help but smile at how cute she was and stuff." Said Ayato in one breath. He was obviously smitten by you but he'd never admit it.

Subaru: Subaru wants to know more about you and the only way he can do that is by asking your friends, who were most likely just going to report back to you straight afterwards, so that was defiantly out of the question. The only other person he could talk too about you was Ayato because you both were in the same class. "Hey Ayato! (F/n) in your class aye? I don't really care if she is or isn't, I just wanted to know..." Asked the albino as his cheeks slowly defied his statement. "Tch yes she is..." Snickered Ayato knowing that Subaru has a crush on you. "Oh.... Cool...." And with that Subaru got to embarrassed to carry on the conversation and left.

Wattpad has deleted this senario over five times now -_-

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