They think you've Fallen for their best friend

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Reiji: When Reiji first introduced you to his friend Sebastian he didn't think he had anything to worry about. It was clear the Vampire had unexpectedly developed feelings for you, a human of all creatures. However fear of you liking his best friend only began to creep into the depths of his mind when he discovered how well you and Sebastian were hitting it off. Ayato even began to tease Reiji about the matter by addressing Sebastian as 'Mr Steal yo Gurl.' You on the over hand had no clue about the doubts in Reiji's mind... in fact the reason why you and Sebastian were so friendly was because you so badly wanted to be friends with Reiji's friends. Who wouldn't want to be on the good side of their crushes friends? Eventually the misconception was sorted out and everything was once again bliss in the world of Reiji. 

Shuu: Only a small select few knew of Shuu feelings for you, and by small select few I mean Yumma, Shuu's friend from childhood. In fact Shuu was going to try to express his feelings for you when he found Yumma and you laughing and working together in the garden. Trying to act as if he didn't care - But really he did... he even contemplating borrowing Teddy for a comfort hug- Shuu swaggered past the two of you snobbishly. It didn't take long for Yumma to click onto why Shuu was acting so oddly and followed the Vampire. "Shuu..." Before he could continue the blond cut him off. "Yumma... you know I like her why would yo-" "Shuu shut-up, she was asking me about what you liked and I told her you like flowers... That's why we laughed... she didn't expect you to like such a gentle thing as a flower. In other words she likes you Moron."

Laito: At first Laito was perfectly fine with the idea of you liking one of his friends instead of him, but when you and his mate Tomoe started to hang out without Laito that was when the jealousy started to kick in and he discovered he really did care if you liked someone other than him. So in typical Laito way he tried to seduce you into liking him, which only ended up with you feeling a little uncomfortable around him. Laito felt like a huge Idiot when he found out that Tomoe and you were actually related and that you both have known each other since childhood (A/N: Not that being related stopped Latio anyway....)

Kanato: In typical Kanato fashion he kicked up a fuss storm and got super jealous of you and Eren getting along really well. He even thought about sending death threats to Eren but when he over heard you and the brunette boy talking and you were asking about Kanato and Eren teasing you for liking Kanato the Vampire calmed down and decided a nice tea party was needed in celebration of not having to kill off another friend.

Ayato: Of course Ayato at first believed he had nothing to fear with introducing you to his good friends the Hitachiin twins. But eventually the doubts for him not being your one and only began to settle into his mind. In a panicked state he ordered his friends to never speak to you and you to never speak to them. However he eventually allowed you to be friends with them again when he found out the two ginger twins both liked some boy name Haruhi and when you told Ayato that you actually had feelings for him.

Subaru: After you met Levi Subaru straight away came to the conclusion that you like his friend more than him because who could even think about liking a disgusting monster like him. It took some convincing but both Levi and you eventually managed to convince Subaru that you actually in fact liked him and not his super boss as titan killing friend.  

Sorry they're so bad... but hey, it's school holidays and it 4:32 in the morning XD

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