One shot.... Reiji x Reader

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It has only been a few days since the (h/c) girl started living at the vampires mansion and she hated it. Between them sucking her blood, laitos constant slutyness and Reijis rules... The girl just couldn't survive here, worst of all they had no WiFi.

"(F/n) your manners are some what lacking so you will be taking lessons with me every day from now on, and if you're late to one I will have to punish you." The vampire didn't like you that was clear, however he was intrigued by you.

"Yes Reiji-san."

"You're first lesson will be today."

You just nodded your head and walked towards him. You tried to smile at him but he just scoffed as he stood up.

"I'm going to make some tea." And with that he was gone.

When he came back he sat down and placed a single tea cup on the table. Because you were new here you didn't know Reiji doesn't share his tea with anyone so you were a little shocked when he came in with only one tea cup.

"Don't think of yourself any higher than you are, I will not waste my tea on a mortal such as you. Grab a tea cup from the kitchen and fill it with water."

His emotionless expression made what he said hurt even more. You quickly left the room and grabbed a tea cup filling it with water. When you rushed back in Reiji swatted the tea cup out of your hand with a painful slap, water and ceramic shards were everywhere.

"You should at least know how to leave a room correctly, or am I expecting to much from you."

You held in your tears and looked at the floor in shame.

"I-i'm s-s-sorry Reiji-san."

"I'll think about punishing you because of this mess."

Every lesson was the same, you would do something wrong and he would get angry... At least you thought it was anger but unknown to both you and him Reiji was beginning to like you. However the way he treated you didn't change but the way he would look at you did.

*Time skip*

You have now been at the mansion for nearly four months. Laito has tried too many moves on you and ayato has hurt you enough times that you wish he would just kill you sometimes.

Today has been particularly bad. Ayato has placed bruises all over your body and has nearly sucked you dry, you couldn't nap because if you did Reiji would punish you for being late.

"I-i'm here, Reiji-san." You said weakly.

"Good, I was beginning to think I would have to punish you severely." He said while looking down at his book. His expression was emotionless as always. He would only smile at you when you weren't looking.

"I was thinking we should take it back to the basics today, you see we will be having a social gathering and I would prefer it if my gir... I mean if you had proper manners."


He was still looking at his book but when his eyes made contact with your (e/c) orbs his face grew worried. You didn't notice this because your vision was blurry but you could slightly hear it in his voice.

"I'm going to make some tea."

"I'll get a cup and fill it with water."

"No its fine I'll do it (f/n), I don't think you could make it to the kitchen." "Besides ayato might see you weak and go for you, I wish he wasn't so brutal with you all the time." He mumbled under his breath.

"Its rude to mumble Reiji-san" you giggled weakly, which just made him worry more.

When Reiji came back he placed down two tea cups filled with his special tea.
"There's not much tea can't fix." He says blushing a little while handing you the tea.

"T-thank you Reiji-san, I'll thank you properly once I've gotten better." You say smiling already feeling better.

[{Extended ending}]

It's been a day since Reiji gave you some of his tea and your feeling better, you've had to drink loads of water though.

You make your way to Reiji room and see him sitting down reading his book from yesterday.

"May I enter Reiji?" You asked sweetly.

Reiji felt something odd in his chest but choose to ignore it.

"You may (f/n)."

Without warning you ran into Reijis room jumping on his lap and hugging him tightly.

"Thank you, for the tea... It really ment a lot to me." You whispered in his ear and before hopping off his lap you kissed his cheek.

"It was just tea (f/n)." Reiji stated trying to hide his blush.

"You and I both know its more than just tea."

Before you left the room Reiji pulled you back onto his lap and hugs you tight.

"You're right." He whispers seductively in your before kissing you passionately on the lips.

Hey just thought I'd give a go at a one shot... Comment if you'd want me to do more :)

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