You have a Nightmare...

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Shuu: Last week Shuu and you both decided that it'll be fine if you shared a room... not a bed though; you're a little to awkward for that still. However something you didn't inform Shuu of was that fact that you're often visited by night terrors whenever you sleep. When Shuu heard this fact he was surprised a little and began to wonder what the cause of your night terrors were. Little did Shuu know he'll get the answer at 4.a.m. when you began kicking and screaming, yelling at someone to stay away and not come any closer. Your night terrors were due to your first few months with the sakamakis', you can't quite get over the horrors of having six vampires after you for your blood. Unsure of what to do Shuu just crawls into the same bed as you, hugs you tightly and pets yours head while whispering "it'll all be okay." And "I'm so sorry for what we put you through."

Reiji: Recently you've been waking everyone up during the night by screaming in your sleep. So when the household had a meeting about the occurrence they came to a conclusion that you'll have to share a room with someone. Reiji being the one you trusted most, aside from Subaru -but you knew he'll be to awkward to let you stay in his room- you decide to stay in the glasses wearing vampires room. Reiji sets up a bed for you on the opposite side of the room, so you two can be as far away from each other as you can. Later that night Reiji began to see to the full extend how horrible your nightmares were. While they'd normally get woken up by the screaming they never got to see you thrashing about on your bed and quietly muttering words to yourself. Unsure of what to do Reiji decides to make his way towards your bed, but he noticed that as he got closer the calmer you became. So as quietly has he can Reiji drags your bed as close to his as he could. You both then have a fairly peaceful night sleep. Things got a little awkward though when you both woke up to you somehow now in his bed snuggled up into his chest and his arms protectively wrapped around you.

Laito: While Latio was taking a midnight stroll around the house he noticed strange noises coming from your room. At first he misinterpreted the noises to be something else so he began giggling to himself, but something inside him was telling him to check on you and see if you're alright. Going with the feeling in his gut Laito entered your room slowly, but quickly ran to you when he saw you thrashing about in your bed and screaming. Not knowing how to handle situations like these with anyone else other than Kanato, Latio finds the closet soft toy to him and shoves it in your arms. Eventually you calm down... but Laito decides to always walk past your room at night to make sure it doesn't happen again.   

Kanato: Whenever Kanato is having a nightmare his brothers would always make sure he had Teddy in his arms and prepared a glass of warm milk to leave by his bed for when he'll awake. So when Kanato saw you having a nightmare he did the same as what his brothers would do for him, he even let you hug Teddy in your sleep. However unlike what his brothers would do Kanato also decided to leave a slice of your favorite dessert pie/cake (Mine's and tie between red velvet cake and pecan pie.) beside your bed alongside with the warm milk. Kanato then sat beside your bed all night waiting for you to wake up, or for just in case your nightmares came back/got worse. 

Ayato: You haven been able to fool everyone in the house into thinking your not afraid of anything. So it shocked Ayato when he saw you having a nightmare. The only thing he knows to do is to awkwardly stand there and debate if he should wake you up or not. While thinking your nightmare gets so bad, the only thing Ayato can do is wake you up, and so that's what he does. You're confused at first but Ayato pulls you into a hug, which helps calm you down. 

Subaru: With your room being right besides Subaru's, he often hears you having nightmares, but he doesn't know what to do. This causes Subaru to feel pathetic and useless about the whole situation. But one night your nightmare becomes so bad the Subaru can't help but run into your room. Frantically he looks around the room. This girl has nothing to hold!  He then does the unthinkable to himself, Subaru let's himself become the teddy you hold while having nightmares to help you calm down. However Subaru clearly underestimated your strength, you end up crushing him the entire night, but at least you calmed down. When you woke up was awkward because you had a purple (Blue from lack of everything and red from blushing.) Subaru in your arms. 

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