You're their Little sister

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You don't really know your six brothers or you father, or even you mother in fact you only just found out about them.

It was while you were in you twelfth foster home that you were told about your real birth family. To you it just made sence, why else would no other family want you while your original family still did.

Your father came to the house and collected you to take to his son's house so you can live with them. Being full vampire yourself you have no reason to fear of them drinking your blood.

When you arrive at the house your father who during the rose you learnt the name of knocked on a large wooden door.

Not too long later the door opens with no one behind it. "Ahh that never gets old." Sighs the man in contempt as he leads you through the door.

It takes a while but one by one your brothers come to meet you.

Shuu: The first brother to walk down the steps is Shuu. "Ah Evening son, this is (f/n) sakamaki. This six year old girl is your sister." Shuus eyes widen a little as he walks towards to. "Ummm hey mister oniisan." Without knowing what he's doing before he's done it Shuu picks you up and hugs you close to him in a loving brother embrace.

Reiji: Reiji is next to walk down the stairs as he sees a small child in his older brothers arms. "Who is this child?" Ask Reiji in a cold tone. Before either of the other two males get to answer the young girl leaps out of Shuus arms and runs towards the next brother hugging his leg. "I'm (f/n), I'm your little sister oniisan. The girls bright smile melts a small part of Reijis heart that is now only for her. Reiji hugs the girl back suprising both his father and Shuu.

Laito: Next Laito walks into the room only to stop in his tracks. "Who's this future little heart breaker fufufuf~" coos Laito. "I'm (f/n) and I'm your younger sister, so that makes you my oniichan." Chirps the girl with a gleeful attitude. "Well aren't you a c-u-t-e~" The two older brothers and their father all say "Keep your hands off her Laito." At the same time.

Kanato: Kanato walks in as Laito pouts oblivious to the little girl in the room. A sudden small gasp is heard causing Kanato to look at it's owner. His purple eyes met with the (e/c) eyes of (f/n). A small blush appears on Kanato cheeks as he stairs at the girl with wide eyes. Both at the same time they say "you're so Kawaii." The brothers all laughed at the two as the were complimenting eachother on how cute they were.

Ayato: "What all this laugh- Kawaii." Ayato stops what he's saying and walks towards the young girl. "Hello I'm your younger sister (f/n). You seem cool." Ayato widens his smile as the girl comments about him being cool. "C-can I keep her!? I promise to feed her every day and give her lots of love!" This earns a cute giggle from the girl but glares from the other brothers.

Subaru: Last but not least Subaru walks into the room. "Wow, so pretty..." The young girl gushes at the albinos white hair and pale skin. Subaru blushes as he hears the comment and sees you the six year old standing infront of him looking upwards. "Uuuh, t-thanks.... little g-girl." The young girl smiles big and says. "I'm you're sister (f/n). It's a pleasure to meet such a handsome oniisan... not that my other oniisan aren't handsome either." Blushes the young girl. Subaru couldn't help himself so he  the picked up the girl and hugged her tightly. "I-I'm proud to be your O-oniisan...."

Omg I've done five updates in under three hours... like write them from the beginning and all, sheesh I'm on fire this morning XD

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