You Hug Them

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Shuu: The lazy vampire was sleeping against the doorframe that enters into your room. You both were having a conversation which he clearly got bored of and decided to sleep. Annoyed with the vampire you get a great idea... I'll just hug him to wake him up. You run up to the vampire while yelling "Hhhhhhyyyyyyaaaaaaaahhhhhh." You jump into the air and wrap your arms around his body. Instantly waking up after the noise you were making Shuu looks down at the sudden hug he was in. "Be quiet." He then carried you while still hugging him onto the bed and feel asleep on top of you.

Reiji: Reiji had been working hard on a project for school. You wanted to make him some surprise tea but you don't know where he stashes it. You made him a cake but Kanato ate it. With nothing left to give him you decide a hug is the best you can do. You enter Reiji room after knocking and walk up behind him. "Neh how's it going Reiji-san?" You ask putting on your cutest voice causing Reiji to blush a little when your warm breath touches his neck. "Its going well Ms (f/n)... But you'll need to leave, I still have much work to do and I don't want you bothering me." You pout at his comment but decide nows a better time than never to hug him. You wrap your (s/c) arms around his waist while hugging his back tightly (If you're tall pretend your crouching or something...) While saying, "Okay Reiji-san, hope all goes well." Reiji blushes again but is thankful you're not facing him. "Please speak properly when you are around me Ms (f/n).

Laito: You spot Laito playing the panio inside the mansion music room. Laito and you were getting along swimmingly... Aside from his whole perverted side and all. "Fufufu~ and what do you need bitch-chan, came to admire my sexyness." You scoff at his comment but take a seat next to him anyway. "You wish." Laito remains playing the panio while looking at you. "You know bitch-chan, you're really cute when you're mad nfu~" He smiles, leaning in closer to you. "If I hug you will you leave me alone...?" Laito scans your features to see if you're joking or not. "I'd love to hug you bitch-chan, nfu~" you lean in and hug the vampire... Of course he's pervy so he grabs your butt causing you to jump backwards. "I'm leaving!" Was all you said.

Kanato: yet again the little vampire was packing a sad, you didn't know why but you were going to find out. "Kanato, what's the matter hun?" You ask in your sweet voice. The purple haired vampire looks at you as he rubs his now red teary eyes. "Reiji-san was being mean." You turn around and glare at Reiji as he attempts to give you an innocent look. How dear he hurt my baby... Your mother bear side was taking over. "How about we make some cake in the kitchen, and we won't give any to that mean man behind us." Reiji tries to protest against this but see his attempted are fertile. Kanato nods his head while drying his tears away. You pull the vampire into a hug and rub his hair gently while whispering words of endearment in his ears. Unknown to you, the purple haired vampire was now smirking at Reiji as he pulled you into a tighter hug.

Ayato: He, Ayato was walking around the house trying to find you. He couldn't smell your blood and he began to worry. Maybe she left... You however were just doing the same as him, lpwalking around the house looking for him. Reiji gave you a necklace that hid your sent from his brothers, but he didn't tell you that. You walked into a hall way and noticed Ayato at the other end with his back facing you. As quietly as you can you run up and hug the vampire from behind as well as jumping on his back. "Oi, ore sama was looking for you! A-and don't hug ore sama without permission." Says a blushing Ayato. Sometimes he was too cute for you to bare.

Subaru: Subaru and you were walking around the rose garden. You noticed that he kept looking over at you and then quickly darting his eyes away as you turned to face him. Maybe something's put him on edge a little bit, maybe even vampires are afraid of the dark. You walk towards the albino and hand him some of the roses you picked. "Here... For your mother." You then hug him from behind and not notice the little bit of blood dripping from his nose as you held him tightly against your breasts.

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