Shuu x young reader-chan... one shot again, sorry

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You were living with your aunty in Japan for the summer holidays. Your parents were going to come with you but decided they wanted their seven year old daughter to experience life in Japan in her own way.

Your aunty took you to the movies and sorta left you there, luckily Japan is full of really nice people... Who didn't help you find your way home. The sun was beginning to set and you thought it was time to take matters into your own hands, you were going to walk home.

It was way past your bedtime and you were lost in the streets of Tokyo Japan. As you were wondering around you saw a man sleeping on a fallen tree laying next to the pavement. You know all about stranger danger but that concept flew out the window the moment you poked the mans face.

"Mister, mister... I'm lost." You poked his face again, no response. Your eyes drift to the earphones in his ears. He can't hear me, I shall remove them. As you moved your hands towards the sleeping mans ear a hand wrapped tightly around your wrist.

"Ugh, your so noisy... Can't you tell I'm sleeping?" You look at the man speaking Japanese, which you attempted to understand.

"Mister I'm lost... Can you help me find my home?" He opened one of his sea blue eyes and sets his glance on your (h/c) hair. "Ah you speak English?" He replied to you in your native language. (Just pretend English is your native language if it isn't)

"Hai, sir... Umm about my home?" You twirl your (h/c) hair around your index finger nervously as your (e/c) orbs make contact with his sea blue ones. "No, I won't help you."

You stood there and began poking his face again after he fell asleep. "Please Mister... I come from (home country) and I don't know my way around here, my auntie left me at the picture theater..." You began sobbing as the blond haired man sat up on his fallen tree.

"Tch, very well... What's your name?" Your sobs stop and you wipe your eyes. "M-my name is (f-f/n)." The man stands up and places his hands in his pants pockets. "So where do you live?" You look up at the blonde and giggle. "I don't know, that's why I'm lost silly."

The man picks you up and begins walking... "Reiji might know what to do with you..." And with that the man took you back to his home. Reiji who you found out to be the mans younger brother found a way to contact your aunty. She came to the mansion as fast as she could and picked you up.

From that day onwards Shuu watched you from a distance for your entire visit, and the day you left, Shuu shed a single tear knowing he would miss watching his cute and clumsy (f/n)..... To be continued, that's if you want me too.

I would like to say thank you all for your votes and comments, really it means Alot to me... It appears I'm better at writing scenarios than writing story's, *laughs awkwardly while scratching back of head*.

I love ya all!!!

Oh and it was kinda hard for me to write a cute and happy oneshot because some little kids who live next door to me cut down my childhood tire swing while I was at school... That tire swing means a lot to me because of the memory's it holds so I wasn't really cherry when I started writing this, sorry.

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