They Cheat on You

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shuu: You two were the golden couple according to everyone else, don't get me wrong, you two had your ups and downs but most if not all couples do. You thought you both were doing fine, going steady. But today that was going to change. Work gave you the rest of your day and being the amazing girlfriend you are you decide to pop home for a wee while and surprise your loving boyfriend. However when you come home you know something is wrong straight away, he isn't sleeping on the couch when it's this time of day. As you search the house you find a woman's shirt laying on the stairway that doesn't belong to you. In disbelief and denial you slowly make your way towards Shuu and yours room. The sounds coming from the closed door confirm your suspicions. Slowly and gently you place you hand on the door handle and take a deep breath in before barging through the door. As expected the two inside the room stop in surprise. The moment Shuu and you make eye contact regret suddenly fills his body. "Y/N!?" shock is easily shown in his tone. "Hey Shuu, don't mind me, just entering your room and taking my things. oh do carry on." Your tone sickly sweet and laced with venom. Quickly you grab your things and begin to leave. "Y/n! wait!" Shuu quickly wraps himself in the bed sheet to cover himself and runs after you. "Give it a rest Shuu, and what's with the sheet? it's not like your hiding something I haven't seen before, not that there's much to see." and with that you leave the Sakamaki for the last time.

Reiji: The butler and you got along well, it doesn't matter that he's a bit of a push over when it comes to... but is that really an issue? Well it wouldn't be if some girl got in the way and managed to seduce the vampire. As you began to make you way through the Library you see Reiji making out with some girl with long blonde hair (No one in particular.) "I see you found an interesting book to waste your time reading Reiji." The two stop and Reiji looks at you. "Well I better be going, I'll be seeing you never Reiji." You then leave the library feeling free but also sad.

Laito: Well you two weren't ever really a couple because he could never keep his hands to himself. I guess if he ever learnt the true meaning of love then you'd be only his and he'll be only you. So it doesn't surprise you when you walk in on Laito and some chick. "Make sure you don't kill this one or get her pregnant." Laito just winks and you as you scoff and leave the room.

Kanato: Lets be honest, Kanato would only cheat on you if sweets themselves took on human form... oh wait they did, it's you. I guess Kanato cheats on you with you.

Ayato: You didn't like it how you had to be only his but yet Ayato still flirted with other girls and if you dared look at a boy he'd get jealous and so when you found him cheating you were sort of happy because he finally gave you a way out of the relationship and he couldn't argue with it because he had it coming.

Subaru: I'm sorry readers... but my baby would never cheat on anyone. He's just an innocent little cinnamon roll who needs love.

A/N: Sorry that is bad, I could only imagine Shuu being the one that really affects you if he did cheat on you, and I can't imagine Reiji going that far with a women he hardly knew.

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