Your Final Chapter

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Your stay at the sakamaki residence was coming to an end. Highschool is almost finished and university is on the horizon.

And while you're still excited for the future there's a dark cloud hanging above your head and you know exactly why.

You know you're going to miss the brothers, their silly antics, their vampire nature, shuus sleepy face, Reijis stern looks when you've done something wrong, Latios... latios... uh, you're gonna miss his sence of fashion, Kanatos tea partys, Ayatos protectiveness and Subarus sensitivity.

But you know most of all there's one brother you will miss more that any of the others...

Shuu: On your last night in the house once you finished zipping up your last suitcase and preparing yourself for the full day of traveling tomorrow you begin to gather up as much courage as you can to finally confess your feelings for shuu.
Slowly you make your way to his room, his lights still on and his door slightly open. Hand on your heart and deep breath in you quietly push the door open. Shockingly Shuu is wide awake, standing not laying down actually, and properly standing. Taken aback you call out his name. "Hey Shuu... can we talk a second?" Without a answer the tall blond vampire makes his way to you in a sluggish fashion. "What is it bothersome girl?" His words are harsh but his tone is soft. You take another deep breath, shut your eyes and squeeze your hands so hard into eachother you can feel a little bit of blood beginning to slowly pool in your fists. "Shuu I really like you, in a I'll nap with you all day kind of like, the like where I pretend to enjoy your music kind of like." Feeling s good to finally have it out in the open you begin to wonder what Shuus response will be. Opening your eyes you see him just laying on the bed, somewhat annoyed that this his how he chooses to deny your feelings you begin to stand up, tears pricking at your eyes. However just as you stand up a strong hand graps your wrist and pulls you into a warm embrace.

Reiji: You have to admit, confessing ur feelings to Reiji is the most daunting thing you will ever do. The man seems so cold hearted and set on being hated by everyone. But somehow you feel in love with the brick wall man and you've decided to inform him of your feelings on your final night.
As you approach the stotic vampire in his study you notice he's reading a book of poetry, something that while not obscure for Reiji to read, it's not his usual go to book. "Reiji, I don't mean to bother you bu-" before you can finish he interrupts your speech. "Well since you have already taken the time to walk here and speak to me you do mean to interrupt. Of which you know I am not fond of, however since you have already chosen to interrupt and I am thus interrupted you shall get to your point but do make it quick." As cold as ever you shiver at his response. "I was just coming here to confess that during my stay I have become romantically interesting in you and wish to pursue these feelings if you are too so inclined." Impressed with how much Reijis way of speech has been adapted into your own the vampire smiles at you for what feels like the first time. He is genuinely smiling at you, the guy never does that. "I'll make us some tea then.' And with that the two of you spend the rest of your final night talking in Reijis study.

Laito: Laito is not the most subtle or most becoming man you've met. And somehow despite the incest and perverted behavior you've come to love the vampire. Maybe it's his brokenness and your need to help those who are broken or maybe you just have a really bad taste in men. However this isn't you confessing to him on the final night. Instead while you're packing your clothes and almost finished sorting out what you're going to keep and what you're going to throw out there's a sudden knock at your door. Assuming it must be either Reiji or Subaru since they're the only two that knock you casually walk to the door and open it. However much to your shock you're not greeted by a scowling vampire or a sad looking one, instead your meet with a pair of lips planted firmly on your own lips. No words were needed to be said. Laito loves you and you love him back. Instead of spending the night doing other such activities that one would expect of Laito the two of you spending the night innocently cuddling, talking and playing with each others hair.

Kanato: you tell the adorable vampire every day that you love him so it shouldn't be so hard tonight should it? WRONG! Somehow officially confessing your feelings to Kanato is something that has put you into a nervous wreck. The Vampire had noticed your distress and wanted to make you feel better, after all Teddy likes you and that's enough for him. As your pacing around your room practicing what you're going to say the purple haired vampire walks into your room with a tray of tea and cake. "(F/n), I wanted to get you something to cheer you up." Instantly falling back into your normal self when around him you blurt out "This is why I love you Kanato-Kun." The boy just smiles slyly and respond with a cheeky "I know." And a wink to Reiji who's outside the window glaring in.

Ayato: Let's be real, he knows you like him. He's known since day one, even though it actually took you half a year to like Ayato you just let him believe you liked him from the start. It was a bit hard to get used to his higher than thou attitude but you soon learnt it was a facade to make up for his extreme lack of self confidence. You didn't need to confess your feelings for him however you decided he deserved to hear it from you and not just leave it as a unspoken thing between you two. Ayato and yourself and sitting on one of the many balconies looking out over the garden. As romantic of a spot as you can get. As you watch Ayato look up into the night sky you quietly but clearly state. "Ayato I am in live with you and I want us to be a couple. Even though it'll be long distance I don't want to lose you." For once the vampire is at a lost for words. Even though he knew you liked him he never dreamed you'd love him. The vampire gently grabs your hand and pulls you in for a side hug. "I love you too (f/n)."

Subaru: As you're helping Subaru in the garden for the last time you decide now is the best time to confess your feelings. "Subaru I love you." The sound of a nearly trimmed rose hits the ground. "How?" Is his response, his face a red as a beetroot. "How can you love a monster like me?" His tone shocked. You smile sadly and wrap your arms around the vampire. "You're not a monster Subaru and even if you were I wouldn't love you less." Still shocked the vampire returns the hug, a hug he has needed for a long time. "I... I love you too (f/n). I love you so much." His face somehow ever more red, you tighten the hug and begin to wish you never chose to go to a university so far away.

This is the last and final update I'll do on this book. I know the characters might not be acting how you'd imagine them to. Just remember I haven't watched the show since 2016 when I started this book nor have I read anything about the characters since 2017. So I'm just going by memory.

Thank you all for reading this book, making it this far, commenting, liking and so forth. It really meant alot to me, and thats why I wrote this chapter. Just as a final goodbye and a proper ending to the book.

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