They drop you off to school

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After meeting your six new brothers your father puts you straight into a new school.

Shuu: God help this man when he has his own child. You were all pumbed and ready for school but Shuu just wouldn't let you go. He pretended to be asleep and hug you close to him. The blond vampire refuses to let the innocent little you go to school. What if you get bullied? Finally after now being late to your first passion you manage to work your way out of his arms, giving hima quick peck on the cheek and then running off to class. Leaving a broken hearted Shuu in the car.

Reiji: as coldhearted as he is, Reiji loves his younger sister. So when it came to dropping you off to school for the first time he made sure you had everything. Reiji had a list out and checked everything off twice... he also made you two lunches just incase one wasn't enough, alongside with a small bottle of tea. Reluctantly he lets you go off to cross, but not without a goodbye hug.

Laito: Laito had to have a chaperone when dropping you of due to their brothers distrust in the lustful vampire... I mean he did sleep with his own mother, so who can blame them. So when patio wanted to hug you goodbye he was forcefully held back, left dramatically crying to himself.

Ayato: The red head steps out of the car and proudly states to any pass byers that he's your older brother... ending off that sentence by saying if anyone hurts you they will die. Not a big help for when making friends, but when you have six brothers that adore you making friends doesn't seem to be too on your list. Ayato gives you a bear hug goodbye and makes sure you know how important you are.

Kanato: The boy sheds a small year or two, not really out of sadness but becauses he's an emtional boy, even if he doesn't exactly know why he's feeling that way. The vampire let's you hold Teddys hand as you both walk up to the front door. Before you enter the building Kanato pulls out a mini teddy and gives it to you. "Look after little Kawaii-Chan, teddy." And with that you hug eachother goodbye.

Subaru: He refuses to let you go, but he's worried about being a bother. So instead he hugs you goodbye, bids you farewell and sends you on you way... trying his best to not wear his heart in Hsu sleeve. He's so worried on how the other children might treat you and how they might and up making you think about yourself.

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