They hear you say their name in your sleep...

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(F/n) rolled over in her sleep. She was having a dream about _____(vampire) little did she know said vampire was watching her sleep, creepy but kinda cute...

Shuu: he watches you sleep while he lays next to you. His arms were in tangled with yours.

Normally the lazy vampire wouldn't hug you while you were sleeping - this is because its only your third week in the house - but he couldn't help but hug your cute little body and stroke your (h/c) as if you were his pet cat.

"Neh Shuu..." You roll over so you're now hugging into his chest.

At first the vampire gets a little worried thinking you're awake but when your (e/c) aren't revealed he releases breath he didn't know he was holding in.

"Be quiet perverted woman." Smirks Shuu before falling asleep with you in his arms.

Reiji: The intelligent vampire wasn't too sure why he was in your room, he tried convincing himself he was there because of business but deep down he knows that he just wants to watch you while you're peacefully sleeping and not causing him any grief.

"Tea... Reiji... Meh." You roll over facing Reiji who was crouched down in front of your face only inches apart.

A little but of dribble hangs from your mouth as you hug your pillow tighter.

"You really are a child." He sighed while wiping the dribble away before planting a gentle kiss on your forehead.

Laito: you roll over causing your blankets to fall and expose your (favorite PJ)

"Fufufuf~ bitch-chan you're so cute." Blushes the perverted vampire. He crawls onto your bed and sits rights beside you.

"L-laito..." You mumble while pushing against the red head.

"I can make your dreams reality bitch-chan nfu~" he whispers in your ear.

Kanato: The childish vampire watches you from afar holding is precious Teddy in his arms.

"Isn't (f/n)-Chan adorable when she sleeps Teddy?" The purple headed boy glances down at his teddy before looking back at you. "I agree Teddy, she much prettier when she's not speaking... She'll make the perfect doll."

"Kanato... Mmff neh stap." You giggled in your sleep.

This intrigued the boy to know what you were dreaming about so he decided to stay there until you wake up so he can ask you.

Ayato: "Pancake!" He Storms into your room only to find you fast asleep.
"Tch, ore sama shall watch over you until you awaken so none of his brothers attack you while your so defenseless."

He lies down on the bed next to you watching you. "Tch, I'd prefer it if pancake were awake but she looks so peaceful so I'll let her sleep."

You turn around so you're facing the vampire while mumbling. "Shhhh Ayato." You pull the now blushing vampire closer to you.

"D-don't hug ore sama in your sleep.... H-hug him when you're a-awake and aware of it..."

You both ended up sleeping in each others arms.

Subaru: He didn't know why he wanted to watch you sleep but he did so he did. The vampire hid in the shawdows not wanting you to see him if you woke up during the night.

"Subaru... Come here." You mumble in your sleep. The Albino unaware that you're still asleep walks up to your sleeping body.

Your arms reaches out for him and pulls him down onto the bed. In shock the vampire tries to get away but while he pushing you off you wake up to Subaru groaping your boob and holding your waist... Well that's what seems like to you.

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