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This is all for shits and giggles by they way. Not serious at all!!! I swear I'm not a creep...

The red haired vampire was in love with a certain someone. Sadly this someone was the only person he could not own for they belong to his brother Kanato.

That's right, Ayato is in love with Teddy. Heh not you sadly, however you do plan on helping him through this tough time.

One day Ayato couldn't resist. He snuck into Kanato bedroom and approached the beloved bear. "Teddy... I l-love you." The blushing vampire looked down at the bear who didn't answer him.

"Answer me!!! I told you I love you!!!" Ayato was interrupted my a gasp.

His green eyes were casted upon a purple haired vampire.

"Teddy... Do you really love him?" Sobbed the cute vampire as he walked towards the two.

"What does he say?" Questioned Ayato.

Kanato glares up at Ayato before running out of the room screaming. "He says he loves you too!!!"

Ayato was filled with Joy but a little guilt that his brothers heart was broken.

The next day Ayato and Teddy were getting married. It was a cheerful event for everyone... Apart from Kanato.

Ayato fell asleep with his beloved Teddy in his arms.

Ayato woke up in sweats and quickly shook his head. "Phew just a bad nightmare." He then glances around his room to find Teddy in the bed next to him... Was it just a nightmare?

Hahahaha okay it's done!!! I felt like a total weirdo writing this but I feel like this was something I needed to do. And also I want to try update as much as possible during my breaks (/^▽^)/

Diabolik lovers - scenariosTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon