They get drunk...

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Shuu: When the other brothers warned you about getting Shu drunk you didn't believe them when they said he becomes very energetic. Now with it just being you and one heavily drunk Shu in the house you wish you had listen to them. "(F/n)! Let's go for *hic* a walk!" Sang Shu as he ran around the house. You were tried to keep up but you can't really catch up to a vampire so easily. "(F/n)! Let's do something!" Winged the blonde vampire causing you to click your tongue. "Tch, you're too loud." You then blushed heavily as you realized you were starting to sound like Shu...

Reiji: "hey (f/n)! *HIC* two plus two *HIC* equals three." Laughed Reiji with an overally happy demeanor. "Only on a good day Reiji, only on a good day." You giggle as you watch the vampire try stand up from his seat but only fall back into it. "I'm not *HIC* drunk (f/n)" protested Reiji has you attempt to help him stand. "Alright if you say so..." Giggling as you let go of Reiji causing him collapse onto the ground hitting his head on the way. You freak out as you try to wake up the unconscious Reiji.

Laito: Get Laito drunk they said, it'll be lots of fun they said. Well actually it wasn't fun. Laito seems to be an angry drunk as you found out. "Oi bitch-chan *HIC* get your fat as-." You slap the vampire trying to bring him out of His horrid state and back to the flirty perv he normally is. You never would of believed that you'd miss that side of him so badly. But anything is better than angry Laito. "Laito! I'm leaving." And with that you leave the angry drunk to his own devices.

Kanato: Kanato is a sleepy drunk. That's right he's sleeping on your lap as you stroke his hair. He also tends to talk in his sleep while drunk. "Neh Teddy." He snuggles deeper into your lap causing you to blush a little. You try to grab Teddy but he's out of arm reach, if Kanato doesn't get Teddy soon he's going to wake up and he's not going to be happy. Kanato begins to move round and starts waking up. Crap! What should I do?!? Your thoughts are interrupted by Kanato speaking. "Found you..." He whispers while grabbing onto your boobs causing a deep blush to dust your cheeks.

Ayato: after waking up from his nightmare about marrying Teddy Ayato decides to get drunk... I'm not sure why but let's just go with it. "WE ARE WHO WE ARE... A BROKEN GENERATION. DON'T TRY TO MEND US, IT'LL JUST ADD TO YOUR FRUSTRATION." That right Ayato was singing. Not only that but dancing to the words that had no back track. You walk in on this and giggle at the sight of Ayato wearing a plastic crown and waving a card board sword around while dancing and singing. "Ayato-kun, what on earth are you doing?" You ask while giggling some more. "I'm..." Ayato then flicks his lovely red locks. "Letting many hair down!" He then goes back to making up songs as you decide to join in on the fun with the drunk vampire.

Subaru: "I love *HIC* you (f/n)" coos Subaru as he wraps his arm around your shoulders. "I also love *HIC* Shu, Reiji, Ayato, *HIC* Kanato and that Pervert..." Subaru smiles widely but soon starts crying. "I just *HIC* love everyone." You stand there not too sure what to do about the whole situation. "I'm just a big *HIC* mushy teddy bear with *HIC* alotta feelings." Sobs Subaru even more before falling asleep while leaning against you.

Hey!!! This is just a simple one... Not too flashy/good but that's fine. If I get any better ideas for this scenario I'll just redo it. I just really wanted to do Subaru's one.

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