Blush City - aka, you make them blush

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Reiji: You'd think it'll be hard to make the tea loving vampire to blush, but honestly it's easy if you know what to say and do. It's no lie he's a strict book nerd, so when you wore an outfit fitting for a sexy Liberian the vamp couldn't help but blush hard and try to cover his face up with the book he was reading.
"Ahem... (Y/n)... What special occasion do you have tonight?" His voice breaking at the start of his sentence. In complete innocence and to Reijis annoyance you respond with, "oh, well, Kanato wanted to have a tea party and this time he said we had to be a character. Mine was a Liberian, so I grabbed the only clothes I had." Kanatos snickering can be heard from the other side of the door.






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