They try to kiss you...

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Before I start this one I should let you know that you're not their girlfriend in any of the scenarios I do... I always feel bad when I read scenarios where your the girlfriend, I kind feel like I'm cheating on them (stupid I know but I'm odd that way ┐(゚д゚┐).)

Shuu: you're currently sitting on the couch sleeping in Shu's arms. You both had a mutual understanding. You didn't like (as in relationship wise) him and he didn't like you... However you both liked sleep and it's just more comfortable sleeping in someone's arms. Unkown to both you and the sleepy vampire, Shu had grown feelings towards you. "Neh Shu-san move your arm a little, it's hurting my side..." You whisper as you crane your neck to face the blonde vampire. He opens one blue eye and glances down at you with a light blush on his cheek. Your lips were inches away from his. Slowly he begins to move his face closer towards yours. "Arg fine then, I'll move it." You state as you turn your face away from his and move his arm. It doesn't take long for you to fall asleep again leaving poor Shu pondering on what could of been the start of a relationship.

Reiji: It was late at night, school had finished and you needed help with your homework... And who's the best vampire to go to? That's right Reiji, who is crushing on you hardcore but he will deny it to his dying breath. You were clicking your pen up and down with your lip as you glared at the papers on the floor. "Reiji-san." You wined. "I don't get it." Reiji sighs at your cute pouting face and moves closer towards you. "And what about it don't you get?" He was now sitting next to you as you pointed to the paper. "All of it..." He leaned in closer, inches away from your face. "I GET IT!!!" You yell while throwing your arms into the air accidentally punching Reiji in the nose. "Oops sorry Reiji-san." You blush a little from embarrassment. "I-it's quite alright."

Laito: Now Laito has tried to kiss you many times before, however never has he succeeded. You were sitting on the kitchen bench as Laito shows you his 'secret' recipe to making Kanato favorite cookies... Just add a lot of sugar and mix well. Once the cookies were cooked you tried one. "Mmm heavenly." You moan while enjoying your cookie. This of course turns on the perverted vampire, and doesn't help that there's a crumb on your face. "Fufufu bitch-chan, there's crumbs on your face. Are you trying to seduce me?" Ask Laito as he leaned closer towards you while standing in between your legs. "Haha no." You laughed in reply as you flicked Laito forehead and licked away the crumbs. "I better give these to Kanato..." You sing out as you leave the room.

Kanato: After you left Laito pouting to himself you walked towards Kanato with a tray of cookies Laito had just made. "Kanato... Laito and I made your favorite cookies." You lied, only Laito had made them... However you didn't want to seem lazy. "Thank you (f/n)-Chan." Smiled Kanato as he dug into the cookies. His eyes were bright and full of happiness. Just as he was about to kiss you as a thank you, you lifted up Teddy and looked at him... Causing Kanato to kiss the back of his beloved Teddy. "Neh Teddy! I like (f/n)-Chan too." Whined the little vamp. All you could do was blush and say "huh?"

Ayato: believe it or not but ore sama was nervous about kissing you. Sure he has bitten into you neck but he's never kissed you without sucking and blood. At first he used Teddy as his practice to make sure he did it right but Kanato found them and sobbed about Teddy cheating on him with Ayato. He wanted to kiss you and he wanted to do it now. He creepy followed you down the hallway. "Oi pancake!" He yelled instantly regretting his choice of words. "What?" You reply innocently as you walked towards him. In a blink of an eye Ayato has you pinned against the wall. You blush a little as he leans in closer to your lips. There's only one way to get out of this awkward situation. "What? Missing Teddy already?" You ask in a half snicker. Ayato turns bright red as he releases you. "N-no... That's no-" before Ayato finished his sentence he teleported away from you.

Subaru: Even though he's a grump most of the time Subaru always tried to be happy around you, which isn't too hard but he also doesn't want to seem soft and mushy to his brothers. Both you and Subaru are standing on the school roof. This was the night, he was going to kiss you. "Man it's so beautiful... Don't you think Subaru?" You ask as you set your gaze upon the night sky. "Y-yeah it is... If that's the sort of thing girls like." Subaru replies wanting to hide in a hole or something. He has no time for thinking, just doing. He leans in close to you, when you see the space between you both closing you turn and face the blushing vampire which in return makes you blush. *BBBBRRRRIIIIIINNNNNNGGGGG* The sound of the bell startled you both. "I was just gonna say the bell is about to go..." Laughs Subaru awkwardly as he leans back and scratches his neck. "Oh... Okay..." You reply with a little disappointment in your voice.

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