Chapter 13

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Hey! I looked at your comments and they are really nice, thank you, I haven't had time to answer them but there's one thing that most of you wanted me to do, which upload another chapter as soon as possible it is. Also, I'm so grateful that none of you were mean to me about the terrible grammar in the last chapter, since it was for that, thank you again :D.


I have been up for literally 24hours, I'm telling you. It's been a whole day at least, counting the hours that I spent at work, and the fact that I had to continue making sure that I had everything that I needed for the trip and also, everyone in the house seemed to be seeking for my attention, because of this, I haven't gotten any rest. I must look like a troll right now.

It's 01:45 AM...and I'm siting in the living room. Mum and Mr Roundy are sleeping on the sofa opposite to me...sherry has her head resting on my lap and I'm leaning against the hand of the sofa so that I can write in my's been a while since I've written anything. But after today's events, I just had to get what I was feeling off my chest. The problem is, there was so much to do with Mr Bipolar AKA The Boss AKA Mr Bus Ticket I said, it has a lot to do with him. It's just that's everyday that I spend working for him or around him, I learn something new about him. And the truth is that I don't want to, I don't want to know anything about him, this way, I don't have to communicate or get frustrated over the smallest things that he does, like the women calling him on the land line rather than his mobile...I understand that I am his assistant but, I feel like he does it on purpose, I mean, Is it so hard to answer your phone and tell them yourself that you don't want to speak to them?

I sighed and stabbed the pen into the paper...

looking at the page, I notice that I have only written a few words...excluding the "dear diary" I have "he's annoying..."

I suddenly realised that he has been on my mind a lot today, especially after the way he left yesterday, and the way that he spoke on the phone.

"Who am I with? one" I could almost hear that dumb stupidly sexy voice full of absolutely no emotion!

How could he say I am no one. Maybe he really is relieved with the fact that I am his assistant because, blind or not , the man knows how to pick women, and I don't fit his category...

For goodness sake! Where is my head going? I have to stop this.

Quickly scribbling over the words that I wrote I decided that it was enough, I tiered the paper from the book and scrunched it up, un aware that my face was also scrunched angrily, my nose flaring in irritation. After scrunching the paper I decided its time to let go of this once and for all...I carefully stood up from my seat, I laid sherry's head on a soft pillow then covered her properly. Getting up, I pulled my baggy sweatshirt down, and then pulled my jogging bottoms up. I grabbed my diary and went to the dining kitchen and run the paper under hot water...I felt so silly for getting angry at a piece of paper, but it was what was on it that I didn't want to ever bother me...him...I was getting rid of all the emotions that lingered from yesterday, I told myself that I didn't care about the fact that he left just so he could go and sleep with Samantha...despite him telling me to not let her calls through to him, he's ways talking to her, and she's always coming into his office.i never understood why? But I don't care, he's a grown successful man, I guess he deserves a beautiful woman, however nasty her personality may be... I sighed after the paper went soggy and separated into nothing then was sucked up in the sink.

It was done...I was officially and completely at professional terms with Mr Bus Ticket Man...nothing more.

I felt myself smile at this, i felt proud of myself, I got through the confusing moment, and let go of all the weird feelings...I was happy.

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