Chapter 37

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“Violet, promise me. You’ll leave me and find a safe place.” He looked deep into my eyes, I could see the concern that was now etched into his face, the hard lines around his mouth that spoke of stress. I had watched Ethan and the other Reapers endlessly training and teach each other, Ethan was really good, so anyone of those things getting passed him was near impossible.

“Fine.” I agreed reluctantly. He let out a breath I hadn’t noticed he had been holding and crushed me into his arms.

“Good, because I don’t know what I’ll do if I ever lost you.” I took a deep breath and breathed in Ethan’s familiar scent. I closed my eyes forgetting for only a moment that we were in danger, that the world was nearing the end and just, for once lived in this moment. I wrapped my arms around him and just pretended that I was just a normal girl standing in the woods with her boyfriend and not the key to the apocalypse and the end of humanity.


Chapter 37

The base was filled to its capacity, every house in this ghost town was occupied, and looking like it was back to its working metropolis, other than what it really was. A way point for a war against Death, a meeting point for those who would fight to stop the apocalypse.

Everyone was on edge, you could feel the tension in the air. Conquest hadn’t returned or sent word on whether she was successful or not in convincing War to join us or at least not to join D.

D was getting closer, I knew this because the nightmares where becoming more frequent and ghosts started to show up within the town. They were nearing, closing in on us, that or D had killed a butt load of people and there were now more ghosts than actual humans, which I really don’t think D was dumb enough to waste his one and only power source for controlling the army he so much wanted, so that only left one option, they were near. Ethan tried to send us away but he was reminded that if I leave D will follow me, because the ghosts followed me and there was no way Van and my Aunt would leave me while all this was happening.

So we stayed and prepared the town for the fight. We had a special room to hide in, it was called the salt room. It turns out Ethan had thrown Vicky’s ghost with salt from the River Styx, that’s how he scared her away and he collected more, getting enough to mix into cement and apply it to the walls of one room with no windows. We were ordered to go in there and wait until the war was over. My reply was a snort and a as if I’ll let someone else fight my battles. So once it was clear that we weren’t going to hide under the bed and wait for some to come and get us, Ethan agreed that it would be okay if we shot from a distance, only when we absolutely needed to, so that we wouldn’t give our positions away and when there was trouble to flee to the salt room. To me, it sounded like he was telling us to do the exact same thing as before, but I figured he was right and I did after all have to think about the safety of my little sister. So it was back to hide and wait till the coast is clear.

I was out in the woods practicing when I caught a flash of movement in my peripheral. Slowly as not to spook whatever it was, I lowered my rifle to look around, I didn’t want to shoot anyone accidently, especially not any of our allies. When there was nothing I figured that it must have been my imagination. I had been putting in long hours of training and getting a little sleep because every time I closed my eyes, I would dream of someone’s death, or worse, I would wake up in a place I had not originally fallen asleep in.

Ethan and my aunt started tying me to the bed, because the last time they had locked me in the room I broke a window, injuring my hand.

I sighed and aimed at my target, a small bottle of blue colored water was tied to a tree. It swayed in the wind, making it harder to hit. I took a deep breath, and pulled the trigger, hitting my target making the bottle explode from the impact. There was a knot in my shoulder from the long hours of practice, I lowered the gun and rotated my head to try and loosen the knot.

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