Chapter One

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Taylor's P.O.V

I was sitting in the corner of my favourite café in downtown New York as the snow swirled outside. One of my security guards Tom was seated a few tables down. I had my nose buried in a book, having never spent a winter in New York before I was excited to finally have that opportunity. It was the end of November 2013 when I decided that I needed a change from Nashville. It wasn't that I had an issue with Nashville I just wanted to spread my wings and see what the rest of the world had to offer. I performed for the first time on the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show and gotten to perform with Fall Out Boy singing 'My Song's Know What You Did in the Dark' and then I got to perform my favourite single off RED, 'I Knew You Were Trouble' in a beautiful silver sequin dress. I even met some new people and made friends with a lot of the models. I was at first dubious to meeting the likes of Cara Delevingne who had been romantically linked to my last ex Harry Styles but she was really funny and we clicked straight away and even exchanged numbers, my friend Lily Aldridge who I met through her husband, introduced me to Karlie Kloss and the minute we started to talk we became firm friends. By the end of the weekend we had made plans to catch up and it was Karlie that suggested moving to New York instead of London, where I had planned to go. Looking around the small coffee shop I'm pleased that I listened to her words of wisdom because now we live ten minutes away from each other and since I arrived we have baked together lots because of this break I'm currently on. I spend most days at the studio putting together the final pieces of my newest album set to be released in October. Luckily my job called for days when I can do what I want because I have no studio time or the people producing certain songs don't have time to catch up and those days like today suit me down to the ground. Thankfully New York is so busy that most of the time unless a massive crowd of paparazzi are around me, New Yorkers don't even notice when I'm around which is a nice change from when I go to L.A.

Usually on days off I stay at home but for some reason I decided to drop in at my favourite sit in café, despite Starbucks being my favourite place to get coffee I love this shop, Café Petite too. They have amazing muffins and my security managed to get the management to practically ignore me and not fan out if I agreed to meet them all beforehand. I didn't really mind considering that if I was going to be living in New York I needed favourite places to go and this shop was amazing. I agreed really quickly and after meeting all the employees they are always discrete when I arrive and order my coffee and muffin. Tom is usually with me and will drink his straight black coffee and read his newspaper discretely. Well as discretely as possible. Today has been a wonderful day for relaxing back and enjoying the atmosphere around me. It gives me inspiration and would usually persuade me to write a story but I'm wrung out and am off writing for a while to recharge. Before I even really notice it, it's fifteen minutes until closing. Chloe, the usual waitress wanders towards me and collects my coffee cup and plate from my last muffin I ordered and reminds me that they are shutting soon. I nod and go back to reading a magazine that I found on the rack by the counter. The doorbell dinging alerts me to new people walking in, probably to order coffee but this time it seems different to the older couple who ordered nearly an hour ago, this couple is arguing and dragging a capsule behind them. I immediately go to feel sorry for the baby but then I remind myself that I need to stop judging people before I know them. They order black coffee and the lady sets the capsule down on the floor in the corner as the man assures the waitress Rhonda but almost screaming at her that they will leave at closing. I close the magazine and put it back while dropping a few ten dollar notes into the tips jar, Chloe smiles at me and acknowledges it as I move back to collect my coat and gloves, Tom keeps looking at the couple in the corner who are arguing and as he glances again the man looks up. "Is it his fucking kid!" the guy screams as I coil backwards and Tom stands up, glancing towards the couple as the lady turns to face us too. "You fucking idiot, it's your baby." The guys stands up and looks at the capsule next to the table and then at the woman, "it's not my fucking kid. I'm outta here." The woman stands up obviously really mad and without waiting a second rushes after the retreating man. Tom turns to me, "ready to go?" he questions. I nod but look at their table and then I realise the capsule has been left behind. "Tom go after them." He follows my gaze to the capsule and leaps into action as Rhonda and Chloe come out from the back and see me standing there. "Five minutes Taylor," Chloe softly states as I nod and Tom comes back. "I told them and the guy said that the woman had to choose and she jumped into the car with him. They're gone." My mouth drops open in shock that someone would just leave their baby. I walk towards the capsule and pull down the blanket that covers it and I see the most exquisite baby that I've ever seen. Picking the capsule up and setting it down on the table I remove the blanket and see a pale blue onesie and decide that it must be a boy. Looking at Tom I say, "we have to take him into the police." Tom nods and walks outside as I fix the blanket, thank Rhonda and Chloe and follow him out.

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