Chapter Twenty Seven

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Karlie's P.O.V

Movement in the bed forces me to roll over and confront the movement. But the moment I open my eyes I yelp in shock. Sitting on the bed next to me is Austin, "Jesus Christ Austin, can't you knock or at least acknowledge that you were sitting there. How long have you been there?" I question as he cracks up laughing. "Like literally a minute. I just came in and sat down but forgot how soft Taylor's bed is and it made me bounce." I look at him and say,
"Well at least I'm not naked." I watch his eyes open wide as he rolls over and immediately jumps off the bed like he has ants in his pants and shudders near the doorway. "Oh my god! Karlie that's disgusting, that's my sister." I struggle to keep from laughing as the door opens and Taylor walks in with Aubree who is babbling away while holding onto her giraffe that I gave her when Taylor first adopted her. "What's gross Austin?" Taylor questions as she passes Aubree to me.
"Karlie mentioning her naked body inside your bed in mom and dad's house, please tell me you didn't." Austin states looking at Taylor as Aubree leans over and plays with my nose as I make funny faces at her. "So what Austin, I'm an adult. Karlie's and adult but you've still got the mind of a twelve year old boy." He laughs as I place Aubree next to me and then climb out of bed as Taylor sits down next to Aubree to hold her even though she is stable but we still don't want her to fall off the bed because that would be terrible. I walk past Austin in an attempt to get to my stuff, Taylor had recognized what I was doing and watched me as did Aubree but Austin was still shocked my me stating that I had been in Taylor's bed naked, although I never said that. He's only guessing. "Wait...where are you going Kloss, we're talking here man to..." I raise my eyebrow at him as if challenging him to speak up. "Well usually it's man to man but this times different, it's man to woman but that seems weird..." he states as I heave out a sigh and push him out of the way before grabbing a pair of jeans, a plaid shirt and all the necessities needed before heading down the hall to the bathroom. As I duck into the bathroom I hear a thump and Austin sprints out of Taylors room headed downstairs as I hear Andrea cry out not to run in her house.

The minute that I emerge from the bathroom and cross into the bedroom Taylor instantly wraps herself around me like a koala bear. "You okay there?" I question as she continues to hug me. I try to step forward but she stops me and just holds me, I then attempt to turn around but that makes no difference as she holds me still, she's gotten so much tougher and stronger since we've mended our fences after the crisis that was my wedding. Taylor fails to say anything other than hold me and I decide to just dump everything on the ground and then make a move because as much as I love it when Taylor hugs me, I like to be the one who is hugging her and encasing her in my arms. As I breathe out I slowly let the things in my hands fall to the ground. I make sure that my bathroom stuff is the last thing that I drop so nothing drops. The second that the stuff falls Taylor releases her hold and I quickly turn around and encase her in my arms. "Mmm, much better." Taylor states as she snuggles into me placing a kiss on my covered collarbone. I continue to hold her tight and place a kiss on her forehead. "You a snuggly bug today?" I question as she pulls back but I hold her tight.
"Just missing you," she states as I smile and pull her in again.
"I'm right here..." I state as she gives in and allows me to pull her back in again and this time I don't settle for just allowing her to cuddle me and instead I pull her towards me as I sit down on the edge of the bed and allow her to straddle my legs. Without wasting time I attach my lips to hers and feel her yield to my approach as her lips open and she allows me to gently probe into her mouth with my tongue. We make-out for several minutes until I hear footsteps and Taylor quickly stands and moves to her dresser pretending to adjust her hair whilst looking in the mirror as I laugh and bend over to collect all of my stuff that I dropped earlier.

Andrea then appears in the doorway with Aubree and then says, "breakfast is downstairs but if you want some you better hurry before Austin eats it all." I laugh as I watch Aubree look at Taylor and then look back up at Andrea and as Andrea looks at me she says, "and this little one is sleepy." I stand up and hold out my arms as Taylor walks over too. "I'll just put her down," Taylor states as I nod, "okay I'll make you a plate. Want a bit of everything?" she nods and Andrea and follow each other downstairs in search of food that I desperately need. I start to pile it all on my plate and Austin shoots me a sly glance and quickly states. "Re-fuelling for tonight?" he questions as Andrea happens to walk behind him and whack him with a newspaper that she had in her hand. "Enough talking about your sisters sex life Austin, you're hardly a saint. Remember when we caught you and Emma..."
"Mom! Stop!" Austin states as Taylor comes downstairs and smirks at me.
"What about Emma, that time in the basement. Austin you're such a boy about it. There is nothing wrong with sex."
"Taylor Alison Swift, not at the breakfast table." I hide a laugh and watch Taylor apologize and laugh as Andrea shoots her another look forcing her to stop and eat her breakfast in quiet.

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