Chapter Fifty Four

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Taylor's P.O.V

It's been two years since Karlie surprised me in Nashville and two years since we started to rebuild our relationship again. It's been a long two years but in that time we've had many triumphs with Karlie not working it's been easier for me start song-writing for people. So far since we've lived here in Nashville I've written songs for many bands including Little Big Town, my friend Kelsea and even Tim McGraw and I have co-written on his new album. I'm finally beginning to appreciate all the work Liz Rose spoke of all those years ago when she helped me write on Fearless and another big thing is that Noah graduated from high school, we moved him to Hendersonville High and he continued to swim, it took us awhile to transfer him so he finally started in the middle of junior year and managed to make the varsity swim team where he broke the school records both years in the freestyle and butterfly that had stood for the last twenty years. Karlie and I were so proud of him, he found a great group of friends who were great for his overall enjoyment of high school which was great. He also got accepted to five of his six colleges he applied for, Florida, UCLA, Stanford, Duke University and Notre Dame, he was rejected from NYU and during all the college days that we attended he liked Florida the best and wanted to become a gator so that's what we chose. He's now a freshman and loving it. He chose to pursue a media and communications degree so he'll be at Florida for the next four years. We chose his dorm while we were down there and the moment we returned home to Nashville, Noah got a call and he was selected for a full scholarship and he will keep it as long as he maintains a 3.0GPA even though he is currently a 3.9. Aubree has now started preschool four mornings a week and goes from 8.30am until 12.30pm, as she gets older she will do the odd full day but we are mostly just helping her learn her numbers and getting her to practice writing her name. She's pretty good now but I know she will get better soon.

We are spending the next few days in St. Louis with Karlie's parents for Christmas as Austin is stuck in New York so we will meet my family up in New York later in the week. We've spent the last few days talking with Tracy and Kurt about how the kids are doing in school and how life in Nashville is treating us. "So we're thinking up a new venture in Nashville," I say excitedly.
"Oh, a business?" I nod and look at Karlie who is sitting next to me.
"Yeah and we're very excited, do you want to know what it is?"
"Of course!" Tracy states, looking at us with glee as Aubree runs around with the twins out the window in the kitchen. "We're going to start a café, in Nashville. We already have the building plans." Karlie states excitedly as we sit around drinking coffee.
"That sounds amazing, it will go great with the cookie business too..." Tracy states excitedly. "So when will this be in action?" We both look at each other and before Karlie can answer I coyly answer, "we'll have to see. We are pretty busy right I don't know a year or so." I state as Karlie laughs obviously thinking I'm trying to be funny. I'm not but she'll find that out later I guess. We sit and talk for another hour or so before we decide to get changed to go out for a family meal. Aubree is jumping on the bed in our room because the twins gave her candy this afternoon which means she'll be a box of bees until she crashes and becomes inconsolable. Noah is off with Kurt trying to fix up an old car that Kurt has had for years, he defiantly had it when I first met him and that's got to be close to five years ago now, just before I first moved to New York. I know that by the time we leave in half an hour everyone will be organized and surely within fifteen minutes Noah announces he is showering and does that while Karlie finishes getting ready and gets Aubree dressed in tights, a denim pinafore dress with her brown boots. I apply the finishing touches as the twins shout that they are leaving, Kurt and Tracy call out that they're leaving in ten, Karlie yells that we are leaving now and as she finishes Noah comes out wearing a nice blue and white striped shirt, a pair of fawn suit pants and his good pair of brown boots. He looks great and he gives me a big smile and hug before taking Aubree and charging down the stairs giving his grandma a heart attack but making his little sister grin. "Ready to leave babe?" Karlie questions coming and standing next to me as we watch out two kids laughing with each other. I nod, "yeah let's go." She kisses me sweetly and helps me into my coat as we step out with Tracy and Kurt.

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