Chapter Thirty Two

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Taylor's P.O.V

I'm pacing around the living room. I've tried to contact Karlie more than a handful of times but every time I get her voicemail so I keep texting her and leaving her voicemails. I'm tempted to contact her parents but I don't know how that will go down because I know her mom doesn't exactly like me an awful lot. I know that pacing won't change anything as things can change the minute we step into the court meeting tomorrow at 9.00am I know that things can change drastically and all I want right now is my girlfriend next to me, together I feel like we can fight this. I hear my phone ding in the corner and rush towards it hoping it's Karlie but it's not. Instead it's Tree. 'I've organized transport for you and Aubree tomorrow to the courthouse. I'll see you there.' I quickly text out a reply that suggests that I'm happy with that before I place my phone down and walk towards the stairs so I can go up and watch Aubree sleep. I know that this could be the last time that I ever get to walk into her nursery that I designed with her in mind and it's changed as she's grown because it's now littered with her toys that I haven't picked up yet. Usually we make it a mommy and daughter activity but tonight after everything that we've been through in the past few days I just wanted to spend the night holding her, holding my precious baby girl and that's exactly what I did and I rocked her to sleep in my arms while I sat in the rocking chair in the nursery.

Standing in the doorway of her nursery I see her shuffle and roll over in her sleep. I've always admired that since she learnt to roll over that's what she always does in her sleep. Sometimes before Karlie and I began dating and she was visiting us and she would always admire the different ways in which Aubree would sleep in and now it's my favourite thing to do. I creep over towards the rocking chair that is right next to the cot and sit down as I glance over at Aubree I breathe out a sigh. Tomorrow things may all change but for right now, it's just Aubree and I. I'm still sitting there when Aubree wakes with a wet diaper at 11.56pm and after a change and a cuddle she quickly falls back asleep and I decide that it's time to go back to bed. After checking my phone I see no new messages and so I quickly put my phone on the charge and snuggle down until my alarm sounds at 7.00am the following morning. I chose to lie there for five minutes until I hear Aubree chanting mama, mama, mama, mama through the baby monitor and that's when I break out into a smile and move into her nursery to get her dressed and prepare her diaper bag for the morning at the courthouse. As soon as I've got Aubree up and changed out of her pyjamas and into a clean diaper I let her walk tentatively around the room as I pick an outfit for her. I had shut the door so she was unable to escape out of the room. I quickly select a pair of denim pants with a white shirt. I noticed that the weather wasn't going to be very bad so I packed her sweater into the diaper bag if the weather got worse. I then scooped up Aubree wearing only her diaper and took her downstairs where I placed her in her highchair and pulled a bib over her head before mixing up her baby cereal and dicing up a few pieces of strawberry. I knew that she would get totally disgusting through the strawberries so I decided that I would have enough time to get her dressed later. I quickly made a cup of decaf coffee and when Aubree was finished I cleaned off her fingers and wiped her mouth before taking her off to be dressed. She wasn't very helpful when she began to pull at her socks before I got a chance to put her baby high tops on her. I laugh at her as she pulls one off and sticks it in her mouth and then I blow raspberries on her tummy until she laughs and I distract her long enough to get her dressed before putting her in her playroom so I could get dressed. I quickly select a simple pant suit and after dusting on some make-up and grabbing my phone and handbag I scoop up Aubree and take her downstairs with the diaper bag over my shoulder and security helps me to navigate the paparazzi waiting outside. Once Aubree is buckled in we are set to leave and due to small amounts of traffic we arrive quickly and Tree meets me at the door and quickly steers me towards a small room set off to the side where the judge will meet us to decide whether there is a chance that Aubree will go back to Renee and Tommy or not. I hope not but I know that like many places the courts always want to place children with their natural parents where possible.

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