Chapter Forty Four

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Karlie's P.O.V

It's go day. Moving day and it could be known as the worst day in history and looking around Taylor's L.A house I can't believe that we now not only have to move into the new house but Taylor's house also just got sold so we've got to pack that up too and believe me there's a lot of stuff here. The great thing is that we are donating some of the stuff the majority of the furniture that we won't need. But most of it will be going into our new house but we both agreed that we will buy new bedroom stuff and the kids get new bedroom stuff too. But Taylor's piano is coming to the new house too. "Noah!" I yell at the roof above me as I hear him shuffling things around but as soon as I yell up to him he stops moving and yells back. "Sorry mom..." It takes us a further four hours until the moving truck arrives around the same time as Taylor gets back in the SUV with security and Aubree. They'd been over at the new house putting away kitchen appliances and all the plates and cutlery. It sounded boring to me so I went around putting post it stickers on stuff we were keeping and the stuff we were giving away. "Hey babe..." I hear Taylor say from behind me as she walks in with Aubree on her hip. "Hey," I state turning around and kissing her lips like we do every time one of us leave or come home. "Are we packed yet?" She questions as I nod and look around as Noah assists the moving men with the last of the boxes. "All good moms." He states walking past us. I nod and scoop up Aubree as Taylor looks around the room. "Do you wanna?" I question looking around the house and Taylor nods, "yeah one last time." I nod and say,
"Okay, I'll take the kids out and you come when you're ready, okay?" She nods and turns to walk into the kitchen as Aubree looks after her and says, "mama," I nod and say,
"Yeah baby, that's your mama. Where's Noah?" she looks around and starts to fuss as I walk outside and she sees him and instantly relaxes. I place her down and let her get the last of her energy out of her body before we head to the new house. I know it's a long drive for her, it's only an hour across to the house but it's gonna be a long time for Aubree who doesn't like being in one spot for too long. I give the men the directions and let them get a head start with Steve one of our security men and I know that everything will be put inside but I know from what Steve has said that the other truck has arrived and was loading the bedroom stuff into the relevant room. I know that things will be set up by the time I get there with everyone else.

When Taylor emerges from the house about an hour later with teary eyes and I know that she's been going over everything that's ever happened in that house and I know that among the good things that have happened there has also been some bad times that she's been forced to deal with. I hope that in time she will be able to replace the bad memories with good memories but I'm not sure that she will ever fully forget the experiences that she's had here. "Ready to go?" I question as she walks closer to me and I pull her into a large hug. "Yeah, where's our crazy kids?" I pull away from her and look at Noah lying on the grass tossing Aubree up in the air on his feet while holding her hands, she's giggling like mad. "Okay crazies, we've gotta go." Noah stands and brings a squirmy Aubree over to Taylor who takes her under the armpits and scoops her into the car and quickly buckles her in and before I know it we're on the way.

Taylor's P.O.V

Usually I don't worry about the small things and today seeing Aubree running around on our large front lawn with Noah and Karlie makes me ignore the fact that she could slip, split her lip or Noah could break a bone and even though I'm a massive worrier I'm not even fazed by it because to be honest they are having so much fun. I'm not going to interrupt their fun session, Karlie is always bagging me for being a total army corporal and interfering in fun times although I don't think that I do. "Hey wanna check out the house?" I question. Noah comes over and stands waiting as Karlie has to run after Aubree who has just learnt the art of running recently and it's making life so difficult. "Got her!" Karlie shouts victoriously coming over to me and as we enter the house she puts Aubree down and Noah looks at us, I say quickly. "Yeap go and check it out Noah." He smiles and rushes off as Karlie and I decide to go to Aubree's new nursery. It's a purple room with diamond crosses throughout on the walls. A new white crib with traditional ends stands sticking out from the middle of the main wall under a chandelier. The room has subtle hints of purple and white across the plain carpet that spreads across the entire houses bedrooms. Mr Giraffe sits all snug and ready for bed tonight and Aubree goes for her toys so we shut the baby gate at the top of the stairs so Aubree can roam. Next we walk across the hallway to Noah's room which is a different room to Aubree's and looks out across the backyard with a view of the amazing pool we have in which we've hired a cleaner three times a week. Noah's room has a built in bed made of black wood with a navy and white striped duvet across his queen sized bed. His metal and glass desk already has his laptop and electronics on it and I can see his swim bag in the corner. "You like?" I question Noah as we walk in and see the room and him looking at his new stuff and unpacking boxes, we quickly peek into his bathroom that has a marble shower and is blue with a white wooden trim around it, it's the perfect size for Noah.

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